Part 32

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I looked back at Z then grabbed my towel. "I'm off to bed"-V "Alright I'm gonna chill here a little longer."-Z I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I grabbed my phone and walked to our room.

I slowly opened the door and then closed it. I went and took a shower and changed into my pjs. I sighed knowing I might wake tom.

I opened the door hoping it wouldn't squeak and it didn't. Tom looked at me as he was still awake. "Oh thank god I didn't want to wake you"-V "Yeah I had to do a few things"-T

"Well goodnight Love"-V I kissed his head then got under the covers and fell asleep instantly.

I went to go get water and once I came back violet was asleep. I looked as her and smiled. She just.. so peaceful. Not a care in the world.
I wonder if she's ever dreamed about me..

She clenched her pillow she was hugging and her breathing started to get sharp. She started to have a bad dream so I went on the bed and stroked her hair. She started to calm down and i bit my lip. So adorable..

She rolled over and wrapped her arms around my waist. I fixed her blanket so she was more covered I moved her into my arms and fell asleep.

I woke up from Tom opening the window. "Morning"-V I said in a sleepy voice "Did I wake you?"-T "Yeah but you're fine"-V "I'm going for a run do you want coffee when I come back"-T "Yes please"-V he blew me a kiss and opened the door "Phone"-V I grabbed his phone from the side table and threw it to him. He made a heart with his hands and then closed the door.

I felt my heart beat was faster and I sighed and fell back.

I texted Tom:
"You always make my heartbeat ❤️"-V

And then got ready. I put on:

Then put on some socks and I put on my ring then brushed my hair and did my makeup

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Then put on some socks and I put on my ring then brushed my hair and did my makeup. I walked out of my room and yawned. I stretched and then sat on the couch. I opened Instagram and looked through my feed.

A little while passed and everyone had waken up. Z went out to do some business stuff along with Jacob. Today was pretty much a chill day to prep for tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be the first interview of the press tour. I'm very excited but I'm mostly excited to be "Toms assistant"

That's what I'll be calling myself because I will be helping out but not apart of anything.

Tom walked in and handed me my coffee. "Thank you. How was your run?"-V I moved out of the position I was in, laying horizontally on a one person couch, and sat up straight. Tom sat on the coffee table in front of me and started to talk.

"It was really nice out and I ran into some fans"-T "It is July so it's usually warm out"-V "Oh- I got you a cookie too"-T he handed it to me and I smiled "Oh thank you"-V "I saw your message too"-T "What did I- Oh-"-V "You make my heart beat too"-T

He smiled the cutest smile and looked down, ran his hand through his hair, then looked back up at me. "I love when you smile like that"-V

He put his hand on my face and kissed me passionately. He pulled away slowly and I sat back in the chair then put my feet up on the table. "I'm not even sure what I'm meant to be doing today"-T

Tom grabbed my legs and put them on his. "Aren't we meant to be packing?"-V "Oh damn we are. That's fine we can do it later it's not like we don't have time"-T "True"-V

"I miss Tessa"-T "Me too. But shes definitely alright "-V "Yeah.. I should probably do something"-T "oh ok"-V

He took my hand into his  and kissed the back of my hand. He stood up and left.

I laid back to how I was before, but then i got a call. I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Hello?"-V "Hi Violet. It's George your manger."-G "Oh my gosh! Yay I finally have a manager"-V "Yes I just wanted to let you know that I'm looking for auditions for you and that this is my number if you ever need to call me"-G "Oh alright"-V "Well have a good day goodbye"-G

I sat back down and sighed. "Now what"-V
I yawned and grabbed a blanket and put it over me.

The day went by fast. We got room service for dinner and had a busy day ahead of us. I took a long shower and put on a facemask. I did a full routine so I would look fresh and pretty in the morning.

I sat eating my dinner with a face mask on and watching tv. "Where's your face masks"-T "You want one"-V he nodded and I pointed to my makeup bag on the table.

Later I got tired and went to bed.

I woke up refreshed. I got into:

But without the rips in the jeans

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But without the rips in the jeans.

I straightened my hair and put a few rings on. I did my makeup then Tom told me we had to go. A car pulled up and we went in. "Excited?"-V "Definitely"-T "I'm excited to see what questions we get asked"-Z "I'm excited to travel. I haven't in a while so this is kinda weird doing it again"-J

We talked for a little till we got to the first destination. I went and got coffee for the 3 of them while they got ready. I went into the little makeup area and handed them all their coffees.
"You're a great assistant for technically not being a real one"-Z "Don't give away my secret"-V we started to laugh and then they soon finished.

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