Part 27

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I grabbed my bags out of the trunk once we arrived and went to our room. The room was very nice and big too with a lot of bedrooms. The reason it had a bunch of bedrooms is because we were sharing the room with Z,Jacob, Harry, and Sam. Paddy, Dominic, and Nicola had their own room together. Then Jake had his own room by himself.
Tom and I were the only ones sharing a bed because at first they didn't know where they would put me.

I set my bags down next to our bed and sighed. "Are you excited?"-V "Definitely. I can't wait to see how to movie turns out"-T "I bet it'll be great. You were working so hard on it"-V
He pulled my face gently to his and kissed me.

"I'm gonna go find out what we have to do tomorrow and when everyone's showing up. You can unpack or mess around or just whatever you wanna do darling"-T I crossed my arms and smiled "Alright. Don't stay out too late"-V "I'll be back soon don't worry"-T he put his hand on the doorknob and blew a kiss.

I left and sighed happily. I sat down on the bed and put my suitcases on the bed. I opened them up and started to put my clothes away and my shoes away too.

It had been a little while and I had mostly unpack everything of mine. I left our room and went to the "main area" to get some more hangers. The door opened and I looked over. Zendaya,Jake, and Jacob walked in. "Hi guys"-V I smiled and I put the hangers down. I went over them and gave them big hugs.

"Hey! It's nice to see you"-Z "It's lovely to see you all too"-V "How've you been"-Jacob "Great. Really really great. You?"-V "I'm alright"-Jacob "I should probably go before it gets too late"-Jake "Okay. Sleep well"-V "You as well"-Jake

He left and Tom came in. "Well it's super late so I should let you guys. Get settled in"-V

I grabbed the hangers and went back to Tom and I's room. I put the last few things away and then put my suit cases in the back corner of the room.

I sat down on the side of the bed and sighed.

I heard a little crash outside of the room but thought someone dropped something. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"-Z "Oh it's all right darling"-T I stood up quickly right about to fight Tom for calling her darling but then heard her Giggle!!

You do not giggle when you are not flirting or something like that! I put my hand on the doorknob but then noticed I was being unreasonable. "You look really nice.."-Z "This is just comfort clothes.. nothing special"-T he awkwardly laughed then opened the door. I jumped to see him since I still had my hand on the doorknob.

"She was flirting with you!"-V "Wha-What?"-T "And YOU called her darling. What am I nothing to you"-V "I call a lot of people darling it's just a habit and how was she flirting"-T "How was she- Thomas are you fucking deaf. She was giggling for goddess sake. I only giggle for you because I am in love with you, so that's probably how it is for her too!"-V

"Violet just breathe please. It was absolutely nothing"-T I sat down on the bed and turned away from him "Yeah ok."-V

He sat next to me and hugged me from behind. "Please don't be mad I don't like when my best friends are mad"-T I turned around and crossed my arms "You literally just friend zoned me"-V he laughed and put his hand on my thigh "My best friend who is also my girlfriend and the one I'm going to stay with for the rest of my life"-T

I pulled him into a kiss then pushed him back on the bed. We started to make out and one thing led to another and I woke up naked..

Last night I had texted Harry and Sam that we should meet up for breakfast today.
I sat up and yawned. I went and got dressed trying not to wake him aswell.
I put on:

With some black combat boots and then did my makeup

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With some black combat boots and then did my makeup.

I grabbed my bag and opened the door. Tom woke up and said "Wa- Wait where are you going?"-T "Oh I'm just going to breakfast with Harry and Sam"-V "Oh.."-T I sat back down and looked at him confused

"What's wrong?"-V "Oh I just didn't want you to go"-T I kissed him and he hugged me. "We-Well I can cancel.. they are here"-V "You don't have to"-T "I'm going to"-V

I walked out of my room but I opened their room door and they were still asleep.

I sat down on the couch and Zendaya walked out of her room "morning"-V "Hey"-Z she sat down next to me and Tom came out of his room dressed.

"Ooh! We should all go out to breakfast!"-V "Oh that's a great idea"-T "I'll go tell everyone"-Z

She walked away and I stood up "I need to talk to you"-V I took his hand and went to the corner of the room "What's up?"-T "I'm sorry that I -"-V "No"-T "Wh-What"-V "I know what you're going to say and it's alright"-T I smiled and then turned to see Z, Harry, and Sam coming out of their rooms "Ready"-V "Let's go"-T "Then you, me,Jacob, and Tom can go to our fitting after"-Z

I nodded as we walked out and got into a car.

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