Part 44

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It was a slow next month of mostly prep for the movie. Until we finally were going to start. The day before starting to film we had a table read.

I woke up excited and put on a super cute outfit. And put the necklaces Tom have me on. I did my makeup and headed to the recording studio.

"Hey Dee!"-V "Hey Violet. You ready for today?"-D "Definitely! I'm very excited"-V

I smiled then went back to the chill area they had.

I had mixed feelings of nerves and excitement. Adrenaline was the only thing running me.

Awhile back I had took voice lessons to make it so that I can speak without my British accent. Tom helped me with that as well and I just couldn't wait to finally use my American accent.

I got some coffee then went back to the recording area . I then took a cute photo of myself and posted it to insta.
"First day of filming!!"

Lucas,Charlotte, and Harper soon both came in and I put on my story of us all.

We were given our lines for today to go over.

I finished then texted Tom "Hi darling I don't know what time it is for you but I'm going to start filming today! I'm so excited"-V
I nodded and then went to my little area. I did some vocal warm ups then started to read my script. Before I knew it we already finished.

We then all went back to my place after and hung out.

I was messing around and talking in my American accent. Harper filmed me and then put it on her Instagram story. I reposted it cause it was actually sounding good.

Soon enough a bunch of fan pages were posting it. Some things I saw as captions were:
"Her accent is so good"
"Hearing Violet speak without her British accent gives me life"
"She must've gotten her talents from Tom"
"A girl who can do both"

I smiled at the cute responses and put my phone down. We all messed around for a while.

Later I got tired so I laid on the floor. "V someone texted"-L "Hmm? Who?"-V "Uhh Tom"-L I sat up and took my phone

Tom had responded to my text earlier of me telling him i was filming today. "That's wonderful. Did you go well?"-T "Oh it did it was so fun"-V "I'm glad you had fun."-T " ❤️"-V "Oh and sorry my love that I didn't respond I didn't have my phone half the day"-T "that's alright"-V

"I sent you something"-T "Huh?"-V "I sent you something and it should be at your apartment"-T "Oh let me look"-V

I stood up and opened the door. In the doorway was a box and I looked back at Harper and Charlotte who were sitting on the couch "Luc can you get me a knife"-V I yelled to Lucas since he was in my kitchen.

"Tom told me he had sent a package so I'm guessing this is it"-V
Lucas handed me the knife and I opened it.

Inside was a medium sized bear, which was super fluffy btw.

I took out the bear and set it aside. Also in the box had one of Toms hoodies. He sent his cologne that i loved the smell of. He also sent a few of my favorite candies and a bunch of photos of him and him on the press tour the last month. Tom was in London at the moment and had sent pictures of him in London and of London. He even sent some of Tessa.

"You're so lucky. You can just tell how much he loves you"-C I smiled then put everything back in the box and in my room. I then texted Tom.

"I got the box and I love everything in it"-V "Really?!"-T "Yes, I dooo"-V "My thoughts were that you could spray my cologne on the bear so it's like I'm with you"-T "Thomas you're too adorable"-V I went back out and the three of them left one by one.

It was later and I cooked dinner and watched a movie. I got into my comfy pjs and put my hair up into a cute bun. I got some tea and put a face mask on.

I posted a picture to Instagram of me sitting on the floor of my apartment making a cute face. I put the caption "Nothings better than face masks, comfy pajamas, and a movie."

I posted it then a little later I took my face mask off and got ready for bed.

The next few weeks were very fun and full of lots of laughter. It had been about 15-16 days Tom and I really talked. I was busy and he was too.

I sat down on my couch after filming and looked for a movie to watch, as I always do. My phone started to ring so I picked up "Hello"-V and it was my manger. "Hello Violet. You have a interview tomorrow on a very famous morning/ afternoon show"

My jaw dropped. I stood up and tried to hold back my excitement "Oh- I- do I- I have to do anything- prepare- what do I do?!"-V "All I can tell you, and all I know is, wake up at 8 you'll be driven to the place at 9. Hair and makeup till ten. Show starts at 11:30"

I hung up and opened to my messages. "TOM! Guess what!!! You'll never believe it. I got a interview on a super famous show. My manger didn't tell me which one but.. omg I can't believe it. It's tomorrow. I'll update you with the details"-V

I looked at the time and thought: 8 hours apart.. its 5:32 for me 1 am for him..He won't respond to me anytime soon. Well that alright

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