Part 10

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I  woke up in my bed not remembering when or how I got here. I yawned and noticed I was also in my pjs. Tom was with Tessa feeding her.

"Morning darling"-T "Morning... Uh when did I go to sleep?"-V "You fell asleep on the couch but I took you back to your room"-T "And What about my pajamas?"-V "I.. I put you in them"-T "But I don't have my bra- THOMAS!"-V I started to hit him lightly  and he started to laugh nervously "I-I didn't look I swear you just looked so uncomfortable! I'm sorry I'm sorry"-T

I giggled and stopped hitting him "It's fine love. I'm just appreciative that you didn't let me sleep in jeans"-V "Of course not"-T "With all this drama I've totally forgot about the amazing movie you filmed!"-V "I can't wait to see how it turns out"-V "Me too it's going to be so great I just know it"-T

I looked at Tessa then back at Tom "I'm gonna walk Tessa"-V "In your pajamas?"-T "No.."-V I went and changed into some skinny jeans a cute t-shirt and one of Tom's hoodies.

I got Tessa's leash and took her out. As I started to walk her a fan came up. "Is that Tessa? And you're Violet?"-Girl.

I was shocked that she knew my name then nodded "Yes this is Tessa the girl that take everyone's hearts"-V the girl laughed then took a picture.

She was very nice unlike other people.

Tom called me and then I stopped at a bench "Hey what's up? Everything alright?"-V "Yeah I just have to go to a meeting"-T "Oh ok have fun love you"-V "Love you too. Also after you're done walking Tessa can you come to the meeting since you are my assistant after all"-T
I giggled and kept talking "Alright. But why don't I just come now?"-V "oh I'm going early to pick up some food"-T "Can you pick me up a coffee?"-V "Of course. Well I should go."-T "See you soon"-V "Bye Darling"-T

I hung up and then kept walking. I noticed that the girl who took a picture was talking with her friends near a house. They were in a small circle and looked odd.

I then turned around and started to walk back home before I heard the girl laughing and coming towards me. "Hi. These are my friends and they wanted to take a picture with you too"-Girl "Oh sure"-V

After they took a picture they all just stayed with me "You're really pretty"-Diffrent Girl "Oh thank you. I'm not wearing any makeup so I thought I look not that pretty"-V "Tom is a really lucky guy"-Girl

I froze and then laughed "I mean for my best friend I guess but I guess.."-V "But I thought you two were together" "No"-V "What about those pictures?" "I was drunk and having a tough night and one thing led to another and everything was just a mistake."-V "Do you have a boyfriend" "I did that's why I was drunk and upset that night"-V "Oh.. i feel so bad now I'm sorry" "No it's fine we are just best friends"-V

Not only best friends.. I thought to myself

They left and I went back home. I texted Tom what happened and he was in awe of my lying skills. And he messaged me the same thing I thought

"That's so crazy V. But we are best friends. Just best friends that love each other"-T "Exactly ❤️"-V

I changed into a cute dress and did my makeup. I curled my hair and then brushed it out so it became waves. I put on some cute heels to match my outfit.

I went to the place we usually have our meetings and it started to rain. I saw Tom with an umbrella standing outside. I rushed over to him and he put his phone in his pocket.

"Hey"-T "Hi.. The meeting?"-V "That was just a little white lie so we could have a date that's not in our stuffy house."-T I giggled as he kissed me and took me to a cute picnic area.

I sat down on a comfy blanket and Tom sat in front of me. "We can finally escape everything"-T "I wouldn't call it an escape.. and more of a- a get away"-V

I started to eat and we kept talking "I'm noticed that your birthday is a day before the release of far from home in America"-T "What an amazing birthday present"-V

"Just imagine this V, we are both at the premier. Hand in hand. And everyone knows we are together"-T "That would be crazy.. And amazing"-V

We kept talking for a while until we went back and had to walk back home.

Tom held the umbrella over both of us as I started to get cold. "Want me jacket?"-T "not in public"-V "No ones out and it really doesn't matter anymore"-T "Um.. fine"-V

He took off his jacket and put it around me. "So about you acting"-T "I don't know if I really want to do it Tom.."-V "Hey.. I know you'll do great. Remember those few times you improved with me in my trailer. You were great. You always learn lines fast when you're just practicing"-T "I guess you're right.."-V

We had finally reached home. I closed the umbrella and laid it on the counter on top of a towel. "How would you rate our date?"-T "Well since we don't really go out much I'd say it was quite fun"-V "Don't you want to take my wet jacket off?"-T "Oh- oh yeah"-V I took it off and put it on the coat rack.

I turned around and noticed Tom was staring at me. "Everything.. okay?"-V "Huh.. Oh yeah I'm fine"-T "Why-Why were you just staring at me like that..?"-V "You're just so beautiful.."-T I went over to Tom and hugged and kissed him.

Just Friends- Tom Holland story-Finished-Where stories live. Discover now