Part 49

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I got some new stuff for my moms house.
As I was checking out my phone buzzed then I opened my messages "Can you come over"-T "sorry sorry sorry  wrong person.."-T "It's alright ❤️"-V "Have a good evening Violet"-T "You too"-V

My heart ached.. but I wasn't in the right place to talk to him right now

I got back home and did some redecorating. I went up to my room and sighed.

My phone buzzed again and it was Tom "Can we talk"-T "I really can't right now"-V "Oh.."-T "Im sorry"-V "Don't say sorry I'm the one who should be saying that"-T

I sat down on my bed and groaned.

A week had passed and I still hadn't talked to Tom. But today was the day

Tom- I had went to a party to get my mind off of violet. A nice girl drove me home and she got the wrong message and kept trying to kiss me when I wasn't paying attention and she actually did. That's when violet walked in

Tom had a girl in his arms and she was kissing him but he wasn't kissing back. He pushed her away and I just looked at the two in shock. "Ugh what is she doing here"-Girl "Shut the hell up and get out of my house"-T "Jeez fine"

The girl walked out bumping into me on the way out. "Violet let me explain"-T "No need I just was going to get my makeup"-V

I walked in and headed for my room. Tom grabbed my wrist as I looked back at him "Can we please talk"-T "There's nothing to talk about!"-V "Fine. But just know.. I love you and I'm sorry, I really am and I can't even express how much I miss you"-T

We both stood there for a moment as we just looked at each other. Then as I said the stupidest thing possible "Maybe we should just move on"-V

I instantly regretted my words "Wait what"-T
My heart started to race and a few tears started to fall down my cheeked "I-I-I didn't mean to say t-that"-V "I-I just need to go"-V

I quickly left and Tom followed me out "Violet please, your in pain I'm in pain we just need to do something about it, wether it be talk or- just- I don't know what I'm trying to say. But what I am trying to say is I love you violet and I could shout it from the fucking rooftops. You're my everything"-T

Then my mom started to call. I wiped away my tears and tried to stop crying "Hi mom"-V "VIOLET!! Your father fell down the stairs and got hurt I need you back home."-M "Wait- I- I'll be Right there"-V

I hung up and took my keys out "That was my mom, my dad got hurt, I need to go"-V "Can I come help"-T

I opened my door of my car and didn't say anything. I drove away and went to my moms house fast.

An ambulance was going the other direction from my house so I assume they took my dad.

I'll go to the hospital later i don't need to be there all day. I went inside and sat down.

My dad was ok but he just broke his leg. My mom and dad were still at the hospital.

Thanksgiving was in a few days but I didn't really want to think about that. I have too much on my plate right now.

I noticed that I never went into the garage.
I went to the garage and saw a few boxes labeled "Violets stuff"

I got the boxes and opened them. I found some old toys and some other stuff from when I was little.

I then found a box of family movies on VHS tapes. My mom then started to call me "Hi hun"-M "Hey what's up"-V "We are headed home your dad actually is ok to leave now"-M "Oh ok"-V "See you soon, bye"-M "Bye"-V

I decided to make dinner so when they got home they could eat

Weeks passed and I still didn't say a word to Tom since I went to his house.

I decided to go through the VHS tapes.

I found one from prom. But I didn't have time to watch it cause we were still going to have thanksgiving with the Holland's.

I put some VHS tapes in my bag and changed.
I put on:

I put on:

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With some tights and a necklace

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With some tights and a necklace. I straightened my hair and then and drove to Toms parents house and knocked on the door. Nicola opened the door and hugged me. "You look great"-N "Oh thank you"-V

I said hi to everyone then sat down on their couch. Tom wasn't downstairs so I just chatted with Paddy.

I heard whispering from the stairs and turned around. It was Tom and Harry on the stairs. "Spreading secrets?"-V I said teasingly and they both laughed.

"Why do you have such a big bag?" Paddy said looking at my bag on the couch. "Oh I found some old home videos and I wanted to show them to you all"-V "What videos"-Sam "Oh like prom, some videos from when we were kids"-V

"We should watch them while mum finishes the food"-Harry

We all sat down on the couch and put on the one from prom.

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