"I sneezed"

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--------------------------------------------------Sayaka's view------------------------------------------------------------

I had to carry (Y/n) home, because she went to sleep while crying. If only I wasn't a side character would I do 4th wall breaks but, the budget is short so....nah. (Y/n) felt very (Light/Heavy) when she was on my back, just like when she was ten, don't worry though, I'm revealing you're backstory. That a story that only Potato-Chan can tell. (So many 4th wall breaks.)We were nearly home when a dark figure was looming before me, making shifty eyes at both me and (Y/n), but mostly (Y/n). "G-Get away villain!" I managed to stutter out, eyes pooling with fear and worry for my dear (Little/Big) sister and what would happen to her. "Just give me that pretty lady and I'll be outta here in no time." Stated the person, their voice was deep and raspy, like an itchy throat, making them come off as a man. "N-No! Get away y-you you...MANIAC!" I said, yelling the part of him being a crazy person, which made him smirk "I hate it when rats like you play like this. But that's what keeps this game a little...interesting." He said, stepping out of the shadows to reveal his eyes that held of a high tinted green, lust, and madness. This guy was a mad man I tell ya, mad! I ran as quickly as I could, dodging things that would slow me down. The guy just kept on chuckling, like all of this was a game to him. "Slow down little rat, you're speed makes it harder for me to eat you whole..." Said the maniac that was still following us, the smirk and lust never leaving his facial expressions. I wanted to cry and whimper, because of how scared I was, but held it in, wouldn't want him to see my weakness and then have a advantage. I ran to the nearest place I could find and what do you know...it's a house. Good job Sayaka. I knocked frantically, even twisting the door knob twice and hitting the doorbell. Who opened up really did surprise me was.....an female Midoriya. I was so confused but it was no time to play "20 Questions". I asked her if I could come inside for a moment and I was so relieved she was nice enough to let us in. I zoomed in as fast as I could and looked outside the peephole of the door when female Midoriya left the room. The man wasn't there and I was happy. That's when I heard an surprised tone of voice speak up "(L/n)-San?!" Questioned the voice, I turned around to see both Midoriya-Kun and the female Midoriya. "Yup, sorry to barge in like this-" Before I could finish my sentence, Midoriya-Kun cut me off with a "It's alright..". "Oh thank heavens! I got nervous you would kick us out!" I said, scratching my brown hair. "Us?" Asked Midoriya-Kun. I forgot that (Y/n) was laying on my back, still passed out from her good cry she had at (F/s). "Oh sorry, also my sister, (Y/n), is here." I said, picking her up from my back. Midoriya asked me if I was okay staying at his house and I said yes. I forgot that it was a school night and thought to myself what will happen if I stayed. But right now, I don't give a fuck. "Where's the sleeping quarters?" I asked Midoriya, waiting for him to take me to an downstairs basement. "O-Oh...y'all will have to share with me." Said Midoriya, nervously shaking. "It's alright Midoriya. Oh and is that your sister?" I asked, really confused. "Oh Midoriya...you never told me you had such flattering friends." Said the female Midoriya, pinching Midoriya's now red cheeks. "Mom!" Midoriya said out of embarrassment. Atleast I know that's his mom. I waited for Midoriya to get back from the pinching fest his mother recently had and was showed to the bedroom. It had everything of All Might like shirts, hats, and figurines that should be in a art museum.

Yandere bnha x reader (Remaking Already Lmao)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon