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(Not for the faint of heart)
Dear Diary,

I know its been a while since I've actually updated something... I have just been hiding from what has been going on.

My mental state is crumbling. I smile, and I do things out of obligation, yes. But I go to lay in my bed at night and all of my good thoughts go blank...

I'm NOT okay... I don't want attention or pity. I just want someone to care enough to check in on me every once in a while...

Lately I have been doing all the check ins and I have been avoiding one in particular because I'm afraid of what I might do...

I have had consecutive dreams now of me doing the not horrible thing... Every time different way... I have dreamt that I took a lethal dose of pills and went to sleep. I have dreamt of slicing my wrists open and just slowly fading away. I have dreamt of drowning myself in one of the lakes. I have even had multiple dreams of someone finding me hanging from agree outside... Or getting into car accidents..

Every time I wake up, I gasp for air... It sets the tone for the day, really...

And when I get home and cozy into bed I pull out the small razor blade and I hide every unforgivable incision well...

Please forgive me if I'm gone by Christmas... I'll try to push through the holidays... If I do I'll be a drunken mess the rest of my days...

I'm sorry...

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