You had a companion.

One time Kid got too drunk stepped on the poor thing. Kid lifted her up from her leg causing her more pain than she could withstand. She lashed out biting his hand. You weren't far when you ran toward the sound of him accidentally stepping on her.

But the moment you arrived he had already tossed her up and kicked her out of the ship. You cried the entire night in Heats arms, Kid screamed out for you to shut up. But it was only when he sobered up enough to actually understand what he had done.

He sat alone on the bench until he called for you. When you sat down beside him he apologized for what he did. That was his reason I'm cutting down on his drinking. That went his entire crew to cut down on their drinking.

Kid thought of your safety and new you would not be safe around drunk pirates.

But even then, your Captain never really allowed you to talk to anyone or make friends of your age. Only one time did a boy look for you, that boy went missing. Tied up in ropes and thrown into the ocean, type of missing.

But you couldn't do anything at that time. But now you can. And Killer knows it all, he will defend you.

Laying on your side cuddled up against Rucci. He remained awake so he could keep on purring knowing it calms you down. A knock on the door made him growl angered at whoever is trying to bother you.

(She doesn't need anyone she has me!)

The doorknob wiggled for a bit until the door finally opened.

Kid walked in with a cup in his hand. "Kiddo."

Slowly raising your head up seeing your Captain walk-in closing the door behind him. Lucci quickly stood up but you hugged him till he sat back down.

"Behave Rucci." Lucci laid his chest down on your lap keeping his eyes on Kid. Kid looked at the feline cat guarding you against him. It pissed him off but he held his anger back.

"Let him sit beside the bed." You pet Lucci. Kid sat on the side of the bed he handed you the white cup. "It's hot chocolate." He smiled when you accepted it. "I've always loved your hot chocolate." You sip the sweet drink that had a little spice to it.

Kid smiled rubbing the back of his neck. "It was a recipe given to me." His sleeve covered his bitten arm but you caught a glimpse of the bandage.

"Captain, I'm sorry." You look down at your cup. "I came here to make you feel better not to make you feel worse."

Lucci growled. (She was better! Until you walked in!)

"I'm sorry for all I have done Kiddo. I can't make you understand why I do things but. You, your." Kid looks away frustrated that he can't think of the right words to say. But it's now clear what the words are.

"What I really want to say is I'm sorry for the way I am."

 Sitting up a bit more Lucci stood up letting you slide away from underneath him.

Setting the cup on the stand you wrapped your arms him resting your cheek against his back. "Captain. Thank you for all you have done for me."

Kids eyes widened for a second his breath stopped for a bit he's always been so cold. All he has done is lock up all of his emotions deep inside of himself. Too afraid to show anyone that other side of himself but whenever you got hurt during your voyages. Something inside him snapped and it's all of his will to admit he is sorry. 

In a different light, he would never admit it. He never really wanted you to leave his side but he knew it was toxic of him to keep you. He wanted to keep his other side hidden from everyone including you. Therefore he let you leave whenever you wanted to. 

That was his greatest mistake.

Gripping your wrist he pulled your hand away from his chest as he turned around to look at your sweet smile.


You rested your cheek against his open palm in such a sweet manner that he shut his eyes. "Don't you dare leave me again!" His arms wrapped around you hugging you tightly.

Lucci forced himself in the middle squeezing in-between.

(Begone man thot!)

Giggling from all the love you are getting the door is kicked open. "That was so inspiring Captain!" A crewman screamed as they charged in.

"What the hell! Were y'all just outside the door the entire time!" Kid screamed as the wave of crewmen poured in to hug you and the Captain. The crowd and screams with chattering filled your room as a small leopard kitten was tossed out of the room.

The door was shut closed as Lucci dug his nails against the wood. "MEOW!" He screamed.

Killer was standing outside the hall watching the leopard. "It's you, isn't it?"

Lucci turned around to face Killer. "I know it is."

Lucci crouched his body growling while his tail moved side to side. Walking up to Killer the leopard's shadow took the form of a man. "Will you take her away from me?" Lucci asked with his hands in a fist.

"No, that question is mine."

Killer says firmly.

Lucci tilts his head backing away into the shadows only his eyes that were lightened from the exposed side of the curtain. "You know the stories. I love her more than you can imagine."

Killer remained silent. "Let her decide. Just know that every time she is around you she gets hurt." Lucci growled from that stupid lie. "I can make her much stronger. She ran away before we could finish her training."

Killer huffs. "She didn't want to be a killer. Don't you understand that? She is afraid of her own potential."

"No. I know why she's truly afraid. I know the reason for her not wanting to kill and I know why she shivers from the sight of blood. Blood that she spilled."

Lucci shrunk back down to a leopard having nothing more to say to Killer. 

Lucci X Yonko Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now