744 46 2

7:12 PM

is calling.
Accept | Decline

[ yujin, i'm more than glad to hear that. it's good that you did it voluntarily. ]

[ i'll arrange the papers right away. and, nak?]

" bakit dad? "

[ i know that tone of yours. i just hope you're not hurting yourself too much. ]

" i'm not. and thank you, dad.
for noticing. "

[ of course. and you know that you still don't have to right? you can back out. i mean, one year nalang- ]

" yes, i do. i just-"

" i just need to. the last year would cause too much pain, at least for me. "

[ alright. then enjoy the last 3 months, nak. you can do whatever you want. bye, nak. love you. ]

" thank you dad. love you too. "


n o t e

hehe short ud and sana bumalik na dating readers aHaha :< CHAROT 0/2

❝ dense ❞ ; annyeongzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon