"As much as I would love to ladies, I don't even have the time. It's money to be made and pussy can't come before that."

They both laughed. "That's understandable." Olivia said. "We can link up later though."

"That definitely can happen." I unlocked my phone. "Put yall numbers in there, I'll call yall as soon as I'm all done."

Olivia took the phone from me and put her number in, then Arie went next. After that, they got dressed and left. Groaning, I sat back down on the bed and rubbed my forehead. My shit was spinning dawg. Them percs and Hennessy do not mix.

I was tempted to lay back down but I couldn't. I've been helping my pops out at his restaurant. Man once that bitch opened, it really took off. I'm not shocked, he's the best cook ever.

Getting up from my bed, I went and found me something to slip on. Only way I could function today is if I'm comfortable so I grabbed a jogging suit then went and got my shower ready. Before I could even get in, I threw up everything in my stomach.

I gotta get my life together man. Besides Kayla tricking ass, I'm the only one who ain't doing shit productive which ain't cool. I need to open a business or something. I don't know what the hell ima sell but I'll figure it out. Maybe once Mya stops being a cry baby she can help me out.

After jumping out the shower, I got dressed then headed out. As I drove my phone started ringing. Looking at the name on my radio made me quickly hit decline. Don't got time for nobody bullshit.

Twenty minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot, parked in my spot then headed in.

"Nigga you was supposed to be here two hours ago." My dad yelled as soon as he saw me.

"Damn, what happened to saying hello?"

"Tim, I don't have time to play with you right now."

"I'm not playing."

"Get to work."

He always so damn grumpy. Walking to the front, I grabbed an apron and some gloves, then went to the second register. The line was wrapped around this place.

"Hey Makayla giiiiirl." I said trying to hug my momma but instead ended up getting punched. "Ah shit!"

"Take some orders witcho stupid ass."

I laughed then logged into the register. "Y'all better pay me today or I'm quitting after this. NEXT!"

It's kinda my fault my pops ain't got enough help. Most of the girls he hired to work the front, I somehow end up fucking. They get obsessed and be focused more on me. It ain't my fault god blessed me with this beautiful face and a mean stroke!

I got about 5 bitches that I had to put PPO's on.

My life is crazy.

I've really been trying to do the right thing ever since I got shot but letting go of my old life is hard as hell. All I know is fast money, I've been dealing since I was 14. The minute my momma found out, she kicked me out the house. Luckily, I was 18. I never understood what the problem was. Her husband did the same shit I was doing. Who she think I learned it from?! My dad ain't stop hustling until Mya was like 4 because he almost got hit with a murder charge and was facing life. When he got off, he started taking his catering more serious and because the hood knew him, it took no time to build clientele.

I always admired the respect my dad had from everybody. Til this day won't nobody try him and that's all I wanted. He used to be in our ear all the time telling us not to be like he was, Brian listened and obviously, them pep talks meant nothing to me.

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