One whole month

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*October 2nd 2005
     "Dad, I shouldn't have to babysit her. She can kill things with barely a thought," Dean said as dad planned to leave me and him for some new hunt.

     "Dean, watch your sister. I'll be back in a few days." With that he left, in his truck. Leaving us with the impala.

*October 10
I woke with a start to the growl of Rory. I looked over at him to see the figure of a women with long, red hair.

"How the hell did you get in?" I shouted.

"Hello, Max. I am Zuriel. And to answer your question I am an angel, and I was sent to get your dog." The lady said.

"Why would heaven want a hell hound?"

"They want to train him before he becomes anymore of a problem. Of course this mean you will not have him back for a few months."

"I want to talk to my uncles," She nodded. We all arrived in a park where two very familiar angels were sat on a bench. "So what is this I heard about you wanting to take my dog?"

"Three earth months tops. We need to make sure he is well behaved, after all he is a gift from your father. And at the age to show his true colors. We can't have you walking around with a deal collecting dog. It would be dangerous to both humans and you. I'm sure you know by now that hunters don't play nice with the supernatural." Gabriel said looking up at me.

"Okay fine just don't take forever. Also can you tell me if Johns alive."

"He's fine, for now," Michael said coldly. I hugged both my uncles and left. Trusting that Gabriel would take good care of my baby.

*October 31

"Deany, it's been 3 weeks and dad hasn't even called. Shouldn't we do something?" I asked.

"Like what? Dad said he would be back," Dean said. I could tell he was worried, but trying to stay strong for me.

"If we leave now, we can make it to Stanford in by 10pm. Once we have Sam back it will be easier to find dad." I suggested.

Once we where all packed and in the car, Dean turned on some music and off we went.

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