'family' dinner

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Sam's pov

I was shocked to see my sister in my apartment, when I got home. But part of me was happy that she came alone. Dean has clearly been picking out her meals. She looked unhealthy, and tired. I decided to make her a healthy meal, even though I doubted she would like it. I made buttery pasta and a chefs salad.

"What is this?" Max asked Poking her form in the pasta.

"Good for you, now eat." I said. She rolled her eyes. But started eating anyway. "Why didn't you call before showing up?"

"Would you have answered if I did?" She said. Thunder sounded. She whispered "sorry" I barely heard her.

    "I sorry, I guess I have been distant lately. I promise to be a better big brother," I said. Jess huffed reminding me that she was still there.

    "I don't know what's going on. But if she's willing to come all the way here it must be important. So I'm going to bed." Jessica said before walking out of the room. Max and I finished eating.

     "So how is Dean holding up?" I asked breaking the silence.

      "You know, the same. He threw himself into the job. Just like dad told him to." Max said

   "The powers when did they start?"

     "I could always make it rain, remember?"

     "I mean like the door."

      "I don't know it was the first time, I also mind controled someone earlier."

       "oh that's just great" I said sarcastically. "what did dad say about it?"

     "nothing" she said looking around the room again. "do you ever clean this place? Dirty dishes, windows have grime on them, I probably caught an disease from touching your door.

    "Then why don't you clean it"

"It's not my place to clean. I'm not the adult here you are. Speaking of the which I need a lift to the bus stop." She said looking at the clock. "We should go now if I want to make it home this week. First, Bus leave in 30min."

"Tomorrow I will help you get a plane ticket to South Dakota. But for tonight you can just take the couch," I hoped she wouldn't fight me on this.

"Fine, but I've been having weird spasms in my sleep. If it happens just leave me. They will pass." She said sprawling out on the couch.

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