dean's pov still

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       Max has been sleeping a lot more lately, so dad left me and her at Bobby's place.
     It was about 10 pm when I felt the bed shift as if a new weight was added to the other side.  I took a deep breath and turned over with my knife in my hand.
      "don't kill me.  I'm sleeping." a small voice said. I put my knife back under my pillow and pulled her into a hug.
        "was it a bad dream, Maxy. "I asked. She shook her head.  "then what is it?"
         "Dog is barking too loud and drooling on my pillow. " I jumped out of bed and ran to her room. We didn't have a dog and if one got in we needed to at least move it out of her room.
          When I opened the door I was greeted by a bark and noticed burn marks on Max's bed and pillow.
          "what the...  Bobby, help!" I yelled. I have never fought such a beast. I didn't even know what it was. I felt a burning on my leg and could tell whatever it was it had bitten me. "Bobby, it bit me hurry up."
         "what is it? Where is it?" Bobby asked as I collapsed on the floor. I couldn't feel the leg it bit. I saw Max walk in and across the room. She sat and wrapped her arms around the are.
          "You scared him, " she said.
           "I scared him he bit me and I can't even see him."
           "I was talking to him." she snapped.
        "what is he?"
        "he's a dog. " she said getting up and walking over to me. "can't you see him?"
         "No we can't," Bobby said.
         "Oh, sorry," she said snapping her fingers. I looked to the place Max had been with the dog and saw a little light brown dog with red on its ears and a red stripe around his stomach and back. He had blood in his mouth, my blood in his mouth, and his red eyes were locked on me.
       " Rory come here," Max command.
The dog ran over and started jumping at Max.  I wanted to move her but she just picked it up.
      "Max, where is it from?" I asked.
    She pointed at a piece of paper on her bulletin board. I walked over to the wall and grabbed the paper.
    "okay Bobby let's see what this is," I said

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