1 month later

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Deans POV.

    Sam went back to Stanford, one week after Max told her bio brother that she thought of us as her family.  Now we are all back at Bobby's house.  Max hadn't really said much since that day,  mostly just one word answers to questions and saying hi to us when we walk in to the room where she's sitting.

     "Max,  what wrong?" Bobby said placing a full pie in front of her.  She didn't say anything.  She just removed some of the top crust with her fork revealing the cherries.  She then forked a cherry and took a plate. Using the cherry as a writing utensils she wrote: If I talk it can hurt som 1.
It was thing like that,  that reminded me she was only a 5 year old and she already had so much on her plate.

       "Dean,  do you have any clue what make her feel like that?" Bobby asked.

        "She screamed and the demons vanished but the sound was high pitched and its not well controlled," I said.  She nodded got up from her seat.

      "Max you get over here and eat this damn pie, " Bobby said putting ice cream down on the table next to  pie.

      "Fine, " she fake pouted grabbing her fork. "I need a second fork." The phone rang, so I got her another fork.

     "Here moody,  why do you need to forks?" I asked.

       "Because I'm not about to let you use my fork.  You're a mess,  and I don't want you're spit on my fork."

       "Well that let's start." I moved the pie forward.

     "John,  let's go we have a job," Bobby yelled.  Dad walked down the stairs and they were almost out the door when dad turned back to me.

     "Dean checklist!"

      "Lock the door,  windows,  close the shades and watch the kid.  I know dad.  I've been doing this since I was four.  At least with Max I don't have to worry about what I give her if you aren't back by her next meal, " I said following them outside and watching untill they were gone.

     "Sorry you have to babysit," Max said.

      After we had cleaned up the mess,  Max went upstairs. I went about my lockdown routine, when I got by her room I heard her talking.  At first I thought maybe was on the phone with Sam or something but as I walked into the my room I saw both our phones sitting on the dresser.  I rushed back to her room to find the door was locked.  2 minute wasted trying to break in the room,  just to find it empty.  The window was wide open, and I had failed not only my baby sister but also my dad. A wave of concern washed over me and I decide that all could really do was pray.

    "Lord if you can hear me please give me a sign that Max is going to be safe and be back before dad." A baseball fell of the shelf on her wall and rolled  to her closet.  Taking that as a no I was just going to put it back when I spotted a ripped T-shirt on the bottom of the closet.  It was a guns and roses shirt,  one of her favorites. "If this is the sign its not very clear." I tried.

      I was about to walk away when Rory's bark rang out from the corner of the room. I didn't remember him being in the room when I entered and if he was than he didn't bark at the kidnapper. Though he did have a piece of paper in his mouth.  "Let me guess another family letter. Why can't they just talk to me. It would make this easier."

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