Dean pov

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      I woke and looked around, when I felt nails dig in to my side. Turned out i had fallen asleep in max's room.  She was cuddled up next to me with her little hand holding on for deer life.

      "Max, it's time to get up, " I said shaking her arm.  She shot up and reached for the knife in her pillow case. "Stop, it's Dean."

      "Oh morning Deaney," she said hopping out of bed.  She quickly vanished,  sending me in to panic. I ran out of the room and down the stairs, she was standing by the door. "Daddy's back, " she said.

      Shortly after Bobby and dad walked in.  Not a word to each other or to us.  Dad walked upstairs and slammed his door. Bobby went to the kitchen and started cooking.  The silence was killing me,  my family is normally so loud you can't even think.

         "Uncle Bobby, can I talk to you?" She asked looking down.

       "Sure thing,  in fact I need to talk to both of you anyway, " Bobby said. We sat down at the table with Bobby across from us. "You go first, max"

      "The angels came and took me last night, is it bad for me to use my power?"
She asked

      "No but  I don't want you feeling like they are the only thing you have.  you are a hunter first and I want you to understand that. As for you, dean,  you were give in a rule why didn't you obey?" bobby asked.

       "How do you stop angels from breaking in?  They have powers and aren't captured in a devils trap like demons." I said defensively.

       "You could have fine more than you did, idget. Your dad was alerted when she was taken and it though him off his game," bobby said before going back to the food he was making.  I took max to check on dad, fearing what he would do if I didn't have her with me.

      "Dad,  is everything okay?" I called though the door.  No response.  "Dad, Max is with me." Still nothing.  I lend over and whispered in max's ear, "get my gun from under my pillow." She quickly ran in to my room, reappearing only seconds later with my gun.  She had a gripped on the barrel,  the way Sam and I always told her to hold it if she wasn't going to kill with it.

      "Now what?  Do you want me to stay here or hide?" She questioned.  I pointed to her room and she moved toward it.  Once I was sure that she would be safe if anything was in there,  I rammed the door open.  The room was empty all I found was a note addressed to bobby. 

      The note read: I'm going to check on a few things tell dean and max to meet me in max's home town in five days. I know I shouldn't just leave them, but dean is an adult now and he always claims Max is his responsibly.  -JW

        That was it, the last straw,  dad had gone to find out something. It was most likely about max and her family.  I wasn't going to be left out for a kid, Max had ready gone though hell.

      I pack each of us a bag,  and started to Maxville, Florida . Max seemed fine with just sitting and petting her dog for the first four hours.  All good things do end,  and  this ended with a rain storm.  I end up having to rent a room at some gross motel off the highway. 

      At about 7pm  I heard a gun shot and looked out the window to see a guy being put in to the bed of a pickup truck.

      "Dean,  they are vamps the towns is has had many people die to them.  We have to help."

    If she was right,  like normal then we didn't have time I ran out making all the noise I could the person dragging the body turn to me and charged.  I quickly moved and Max shot her gun at the vamps head blowing straight to its brain.  I ran over to it seeing it was the man that checked us in.  I chopped of his head and was about to light the body on fire when I a scream caught my attention.  I turn around to see two more 
Dead, vamps.

      "It's their nest kid, get over here, " I yelled max grabbed the heads and ran to me.  "Okay if you see anymore scream like you did in that cabin.  I don't care what happens to me, as long as you are safe." With that said I started burning the vampires bodies.  Five more vamps aimed at us,  but instead of hearing max yell I was blinded by white light and when my sight came back I saw them all dead.  The blood splatter told me that somehow she had blown up their heads. 

     "Can we sleep now?"

      Before I could say anything she  passed out.  Leaving me to put her to bed. 

young and supernatural 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora