Chapter 20 + RECAP

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Recap: A new girl by the name of Abigail joins their school and Cheryl feels an immediate attraction. Cheryl has been feeling shitty for being constantly left out by Cindy and feels like she can't talk to Toni anymore with Cindy there. When Cheryl and Abigail meet in Art, they immediately form a bond. Meanwhile, Cindy is desperately trying to drag Toni into a closet to have sex but she tells her no multiple times before they get into a fight  because of it and when Toni tells her that 'Tones' is Cheryl's nickname for her. Cindy gets mad and insults Cheryl and basically accuses Toni of having feelings for her. Toni then walks away and the chapter ends with the revelation that this time, Toni is thinking about Cheryl and not the other way around

No One's POV

It's been a week since Abigail joined the school. And Cheryl would be lying if she said she didn't feel slight excitement about going to school now. She'd be lying if she said there wasn't a constant smile on her face because she finally met someone who she has a bond with. Sure she has an unbreakable bond with Toni, but that's only platonic. Or is it? And Cheryl has been looking for romance since she can remember.

But while her and Abigail are having an amazing time getting to know each other, she has also noticed that Toni isn't her usual happy, cheerful self. She has noticed that Toni has been keeping a distance between herself and Cindy. Why? She has no clue. But she's worried about her best friend and that's why she dragged her into the bathrooms as soon as class ended.

"I can't help but feel like something is up with you Tones. Is everything okay?" Cheryl asked softly, scared that she might say the wrong thing and make the girl even more upset. 

Toni nodded slowly up and down before she shook her head. "Who am I kidding? No everything is not okay." She sighed leaning against the sink.

Cheryl's brows furrowed in confusion and worry for the pink haired girl. "What is it? Talk to me T." She mumbled, gently rubbing the girl's arm as she watched her worriedly.

"I just..I hate the direction my life is going in right now." She admitted, shutting her eyes briefly as Cheryl took a step closer to the girl, her worry increasing as each second passed.

"And what direction may that be?"

"The wrong one." 

"Well..yeah. I kinda know that already. to me. Tell me everything that's on your mind."



So by everything, Toni has to tell the girl that for the past few days, she's been thinking about her non stop? No.

But she'll tell her the rest.

"Well for one..I don't know if Cindy and I are together anymore. We haven't talked for a whole week and neither of us have made an effort to. But the thing is..I don't want to talk to her so I can sort stuff out, I want to talk to her and end it."

Cheryl's eyes widened as she listened to her revelation. If she had heard this a couple of weeks ago, she would've been ecstatic. Happy. Relieved. Excited.

But ever since Abigail joined the school, she hadn't really acknowledged her feelings for the pink haired girl again. Well...she has been acknowledging them by trying to get over them. Of course they're still there, it takes time. But she's trying to get over them so she could see how things progress with Abigail.

"Well from what you've told doesn't seem like your life is going in the wrong direction. In fact, it's going in the right direction. I mean, it's not because I'm your best friend and I'm biased, but it's because she's super fucking toxic. She literally dragged you to a date while you and I were spending time together. And I don't blame you..not one bit. You're an amazing girl and you put everyone else before yourself. But your happiness is what matters most. And that controlling bitch does not seem to make you happy one bit, but I'm not one to talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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