Chapter 3

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It's been exactly one week since Toni and Cheryl's fight, and both girls hadn't spoken a word to each other. 

They hated being separated, and they didn't know whether there was a still a chance they could salvage their friendship or it was done for good.

Cheryl hated seeing Toni all cuddly with Jughead on the couch in the lounge, and not because she was jealous. No that was not it. It was because that's how she used to be with her. From an outsider's perspective they seemed like a couple but no, they were just two affectionate best friends.

Toni hated seeing Cheryl run out of the lounge faster than she had come in, and she hated how Cheryl stared at her so sadly..and longingly. She likes Jughead. She does..but there's no doubt she'd drop him if it meant she can have Cheryl back. She missed her best friend, and there was no doubt that Cheryl missed her.

That's why Cheryl found herself walking over to Toni who was at her locker on Monday, only to be stopped dead in her tracks when none other than Jughead had just turned the corner, heading straight to Toni and wrapping his arm around her waist.

Cheryl watched as Toni turned and pressed a soft kiss on his lips, moments before she slammed her locker shut and they walked out of the school hand in hand, leaving a very disgusted Cheryl behind. But despite that, she felt sadness wash over her, and she quickly grabbed her bag, heading straight to her car. 

Cheryl's POV

There's nothing worse than sitting back and watching the most important person in your life slowly become a distant memory. No..that's already happened enough times in my life and I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do if it does happen again. Or is it too late? I miss her more than words can describe and I would be lying if I said I didn't go home every day, locked myself in my room and cried for hours.

I hate myself. I hate myself because I ruined the one good thing in my life. Again. If only I'd kept my mouth shut, then everything would be okay and I wouldn't be sitting in my car, crying my eyes out as I watch Toni and Jughead from afar.

I need to make things right. I need my best friend back, but what if she doesn't want me back? Well it wouldn't hurt to try..the worst thing that could happen is she could slam the door in my face or tell me she doesn't want her in her life. But I'd be damned if  I don't at least try, because I'm tired of everything good in my life being snatched away from me because of my stupidity. And sometimes my mother's.

It'd be stupid to go over to her trailer now, 'cause who knows what her and Hobo are getting up to..ugh no. I can't think about that right now. It's too painful. 

I wipe my tears away and start the short drive back to my house. 

After I get in, I start heading up the stairs before I feel a strong, grip on my wrist and I hiss in pain as I turn to look at none other than my wretched mother.

"I'm expecting a client soon, so don't come downstairs and don't you dare disturb me. Got it?" My mother asked, tightening her grip on my wrist as I just nodded, attempting to tug my hand free.

"If you actually let me go..I'll be gone. There's no need to tell me twice. " I muttered glancing down at our hands before looking back up at her.

"Shut up you deviant child. I thought your father and I taught you manners, but clearly not. You're a disappointment to this family Cheryl." My mother said, her words laced with venom as she dug her nails into my skin and I bit down a fresh set of tears that threatened to escape.

"I'm sorry..just let me go please." I whimpered looking at her pleadingly before she finally let go of my arm and turned around, heading into the living room as I ran up the stairs to my room, and threw myself onto the bed, not before I locked my door of course.

I gripped the bed sheets in my hands as I sobbed into my pillow. Why does this always happen? Every day, a fresh new bruise and the same question, why? 

What I really need right now, or more like who, is my best friend. But she's too busy with her boyfriend right now, and I'm stuck here, crying my eyes out.

If I hadn't pushed everyone away in my life, maybe I'd have a shoulder to cry on, instead of being alone in my room, sobbing into my damp pillow.

But I can't focus on the 'what ifs' because it's too late now. Everybody hates me and I don't blame them. 

I'm tired. I'm physically and mentally tired. So that's probably the reason why I cried myself to sleep at 5 PM in the afternoon. Completely oblivious to the person standing outside of my house with a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a box of chocolates in the other. 

A/N: Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter hehe. Like I've said before, I know it's not amazing so that's why I'm open to any ideas and advice you guys might have so don't be afraid to message me or leave it in the comments. But yeah, I really hope y'all did like it. Until next time ♥.

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