Chapter 10

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Detention. Detention is the one thing that students always do their best to avoid because the only form of distraction they'll be able to have is their own minds. And boy do our minds play tricks with us a lot. Detention is also the one thing that Cheryl has never gotten until today. She was the perfect student in almost every teacher's eyes, but once you come head to head with Chuck Clayton, there's only way it can go and that's the wrong way. Chuck can do whatever he pleases because his father is the coach of the Football team, so if Chuck was to be expelled then his father would be mad and he'd leave. 

So what was Weatherbee really going to do? Because if that man lets Chuck off, then there's no way Cheryl's letting that happen. It's time justice was served.

But justice can't be served right this second because Cheryl is busy making her way to the infamous detention room until she's spun around by someone. Jughead.

"Make it quick Hobo." Cheryl sighed, rolling her eyes and seeming completely disinterested in what he had to say.

"I know we're not the best of friends Cheryl but I've got a favour to ask.."

"If it has anything to do with Toni, then the answer is no. Sorry not sorry." Cheryl flashed her fake smile before turning around and trying to leave, but a grip on her shoulder means she's back facing the beanie clad boy in front of her.

"Please Cheryl. It's important."

Cheryl huffed rolling her eyes again "Just..say it."

"Can you please tell Toni to talk to me? I tried to speak with her in Engli-"

"And that wasn't enough of a hint to you? She doesn't want to speak to you Jughead! What more don't you understand?"

"But she hasn't heard what I want to say yet. I made such a huge mistake breaking up with her and all I want to do is fix things. So all I'm asking is for you to just convince her to talk to me. That's all you have to do." 

"Damn right you made a mistake. You let go of such an amazing human who treats everyone with so much care and love Jughead. How can you be so stupid?"

"I know. And that's exactly why I want to try and fix things. Please..?"

"Fine..I'll speak to her." 

"Thank you!" Jughead said giving her a smile and Cheryl just grimaced before spinning on her feet and making her way to the detention room.

Why the fuck did she just do that? Why did she say yes? And no, it's not because of jealousy or any of that bullshit. She's just protective over her best friend and doesn't want to see her get hurt again. Yeah..that's right. 

That's what Cheryl tried to convince herself of as she entered the detention room and saw Toni sat at the far back who immediately waved her over as soon as she saw the red haired girl.

"Hey." Cheryl said slumping down on the chair next to Toni.

Thankfully, the teacher 'supervising' the detention students today was Mr Benson. And boy was he snoring loudly.

"Hey..why do you seem so..stressed?" Toni asked, concerned for her best friend.

"Your ex boyfriend just talked to me. For way too long..who wouldn't be stressed?"

"Oh..what did he say?" Toni asked as a frown formed on her face.

"Well..he told me that he really wants to fix things and he regrets breaking up with you. Basically, he really wants to speak to you." Cheryl explained, looking at her best friend to see her reaction.

And her reaction was nothing else other than priceless.

"But I don't want to speak to him. It's not only about what happened today, a few weeks ago I thought he was so hot and turned into a tomato when he winked at me..but now, it's different. He doesn't make my heart flutter, or my cheeks heat up, or make me feel butterflies in my stomach. He's just..there." Toni shrugged, trying to explain it as best as she could.

"He's just there?" Cheryl asked, seeming amused.

"I know it sounds weird but..the idea of us being together and going on dates does not excite me anymore."

"I get that Toni. And he's obviously not the one for you but I think you should really tell him that so he doesn't keep following you around like a lost puppy."

Toni nodded leaning back in her seat with a smile. "You're definitely right Cher, I'll definitely do at least that."

                                                                                  • • •

So, detention was nothing less than fun. But this gay bar that Cheryl just took Toni to is even more fun. 

That's exactly what the girls are thinking as they're on the dance floor, singing their hearts out with a glass of wine in their hands. 

Cheryl is so glad she dragged Toni to this bar and Toni is so glad she let her.

She did come here to forget about everything that happened with Jughead after all and perhaps to take a girl home for the night who's name she'll have already forgotten before she had even left her trailer.

But no, Toni wasn't proud of it. She wasn't proud of being a fuck girl but she also didn't like commitment. The last time she was in a committed relationship, everything seemed perfect but Toni had lost that everything in such a short amount of time and from that point on, had lived with the motto 'Don't become attached.'

So that was one of the main reasons why she was currently at a gay bar, to get a fairly looking girl in her bed by the end of the night and give her the best sexual experience she could possibly have.

Did Cheryl support what she was doing? Hell fucking no. But if anyone else was to say anything about it to Toni in a criticising manner, Cheryl wouldn't hesitate to make their lives a living hell.

But she also came to have fun with her best friend who she was forever grateful to for introducing her to a place full of hot, single girls. 

However, what was innocent dancing soon became into dirty and sexual dancing as Toni turned with her back to Cheryl, and started grinding on her centre. 

And Cheryl didn't know if it was the alcohol speaking, but god did Toni look absolutely fucking sexy in that moment.

"God stop it Topaz, everyone is looking at us." Cheryl mumbled but in actual fact, she didn't want her to stop. But she was getting so turned on to the point where it was indescribable but even worse, she was getting so turned on by her best friend. Her best friend.

However, Toni did stop her grinding and turned around before draping her arms around Cheryl's neck.

"Dance with me Blossom." Toni whispered starting to move her body to the music but Cheryl's eyes were glued to her lips which were moving as she spoke. 

She loved the way they looked so soft, plump and..inviting.

"Um hello..Earth to Cheryl?" Toni said waving her hand in front of her face and Cheryl quickly broke out of her trance before snapping her eyes to look up at Toni.

She needed to get out of here before she did something stupid. Because if she did, then she can kiss their friendship goodbye. Because there was no way Toni wanted to kiss Cheryl as much as Cheryl wanted to kiss her. Right..?

"I need to go the uh..bathroom." Cheryl mumbled before quickly moving away from Toni and running out of the exit where she bumped into, who she would later think of as, her nightmare.

A/N: I hate when fanfictions end of cliffhangers but the sheer satisfaction I get from ending nearly every chapter on a cliffhanger is just..amazing. But anyways, I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update very soon.

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