Chapter 4

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Toni's POV

The last week has been HORRIBLE! And I know I shouldn't be saying that because now I have Jughead who makes me happy, but nowhere near as happy as Cheryl makes me. I miss my best friend, I miss her so fucking much. I can't believe I nearly threw our friendship away over..a guy.

So I guess that's why I find myself standing in front of her house, with chocolates and her favourite flowers-roses. I know how much her mother hates me and definitely wouldn't let me in, so that's why I pick up a nearby pebble and throw it at her bedroom window.

I wait until I see her appear at the window and open it before looking down, her eyes landing right on me and I watch as her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice sounded weak and vulnerable as she bit down on her bottom lip, I'm guessing to try and stop the tears.

"Can I come up? I just..want to talk Cher. And I know it's kinda weird for me to show up here unannounced but I..really want to speak to you." I say, hoping that she'd let me in and I watch as her eyes soften and she slowly nods her head.

"There's a ladder next to the barn over there. I'm afraid that's the only mum is kinda 'busy' right now." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and I just nod.

"It's okay..we don't want to anger the beast. I'll go get the ladder." I smiled up at her softly but all she did was nod and disappear back into her room.

I make my way over to the barn and carefully move the ladder to stand against the wall so I could get up to her room. I look up and just at that moment, Cheryl appears back in sight.

"Don't die please." Cheryl said looking down at me worriedly and I bite back a grin as I shake my head.

"Not planning on it anytime soon." I chuckled and held the chocolates and flowers in one hand as I slowly climbed up the ladder. I felt Cheryl's eyes on me the whole time and in a weird way, it made me feel safer as I so gracefully climbed the ladder.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself as I got to the top of the stairs and allowed Cheryl to help me into her room.

"So.." I hear her voice behind me and I turn around to face her, and as I finally get a good look at her I notice her messy hair, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I'm the reason for this. I'm the reason for her pain. This girl has gone through so much of that in her life, and I was supposed to be the person who helped her get through it, not cause it.

"Oh Cher-"

" know how much I hate pity. Please..let's skip this." Cheryl sighed, running her hand through her red locks as I nod and sit down on the bed and hand her the flowers and chocolates.

"Here..your favourites." I smile and gesture for her to join me on the bed, which she does.



We both start at the same time but stop as we stare at each other for a second before falling into a short fit of giggles.

"Can I go first?" I ask and Cheryl nods and puts the chocolates and flowers on her nightstand before facing me again.

"The last week has been..fucking shit. And I know what you think, why? Since I have Jughead. But he's nothing compared to you Cher, and I knew that. I'm not THAT stupid. And I should've came to you sooner but I didn't because I was..scared that you hated me. I saw the way you ran out of the lounge every time you saw me there..and I wanted to chase after you. I really fucking did. But I hope now's not too late and you haven't found a new best friend, because I can't lose you Cher..I can't. Sure I like Jughead, but I love you. I'm not ready to lose the most important person in my life over a guy. I'm not ready to throw all of that away. Not now, and not ever."

I finish, and look down as tears stream down my face freely. I feel a soft touch under my chin before it's lifted and I look into her eyes, where tears are also coming out of before she envelops me into her arms, and I practically melt into them as I hug her back tightly.

I release a whimper accidentally when she pulls away to look at me with the most softest smile.

"I am so sorry for saying all of that stuff and..literally judging you for liking him. I may not be his biggest fan but that doesn't matter, because if you like him then go for it Toni. I'm your best friend, and I'm going to support you through this. And through everything. But if he hurts you..I swear I'll rip his head off with my bare hands." 

I giggle softly before nodding my head. "You have my permission to." I grin pulling her back into a hug.

"I love you Antoinette." She whispers resting her head on top of mine and I shut my eyes as I snuggle into the crook of her neck.

"I love you too Cheryl." I whisper back and I sigh out of relief. 

I have my best friend back bitches!!! 

I can't believe I almost lost this precious angel. I don't only want her in my life, I need her. She's helped me get through so much shit in her life and risked the wrath of her mother just for me. She's special. And I don't plan to lose that, ever. Because if I did, I'd be a wreck. And no Jugheads will be able to fix that or replace it. Because this girl..she's irreplaceable.

A/N: I actually had a lotta fun writing this and I hope y'all enjoyed it just as much as I did..if not more hehe. Until next time ♥..which will be very soon.  I promise.

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