Chapter 11

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Cheryl's POV

I had to get out of there. I really couldn't stand another second in that crammed and obnoxiously loud bar. But despite it being crammed, I felt like it was only Toni and I there. Dancing together in the middle of the room. Alone. And that's what scared me. It scares me that suddenly I'm having these overwhelming and certainly unexpected feelings about my best friend who would never like me. Not in a million years. And that's why those feelings are also unwanted, because I'm simply tired of being hurt. Getting rejected by Veronica because she already had a boyfriend wasn't the reason why I started crying that day. It is because I'm just physically and mentally drained.

I had to get out of there because the room was spinning and I don't know whether it was the alcohol, but I find it extremely hard to keep my balance. 

As soon as I find myself outside, I immediately bumped into someone. 

"Woah you okay there girly?" A male's voice says and I look up to see a curly haired boy grinning down at me.

"Uh yeah..never better." I slur and laugh humorlessly and he nods giving me a suspicious look.

"Well you don't seem like it..why don't you come crash at my place?"

"Woah hang on..I don't even know your name."

"Nick. Nick St Clair." He said extending his hand out and I shake it firmly.

And little did I know, that soon that name would be one I never wish I'd heard.

"Cheryl Blossom." 

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He flirts and I just cringe a little.

Who even is he? And why is he flirting with a girl he only just met? Boys are fucking unbelievable sometimes.

"Well Cheryl..why don't you stay over at my place for the night? You seem a little out of it."

Yet again, I don't know whether it was the alcohol speaking in that moment, but he seemed nice and pretty harmless. Besides my house is far from here and I didn't have any cash on me for a taxi  as I spent it all on drinks. Also seeming as Toni is most likely going home with a girl that night, why the fuck not?

"Sure..why not?" 

Horrible, horrible decision Blossom.

I watch as a big smile forms in his lips and he grabs my arm, quite roughly may I add, and walks me over to his car.

I hop into the passenger seat and wait for him to go into the driver's seat.

But when he does, he puts his hand on my thigh which, let's just say, made me far from comfortable. 

"I live in a hotel only a couple minutes from here.  You're lucky you bumped into me Cheryl." He said flashing me a cocky grin as he started the car and quickly drove off.


As soon as we get to his hotel, he drags me up to his room.

"You want anything to drink? I think I've got wine." He suggested and I nodded my head with a tired smile.

"That'd be great Nick..thanks." I say before he disappeared into the kitchen. 

When he came back with my drink, I took a big gulp out of it. I was so fucking dehydrated and my throat was dry from all the singing.

No one's POV

Everything seemed to be going great.

Cheryl was enjoying talking to Nick who she found a nice guy. Not for long.

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