Chapter 5

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Over the course of the next few days, things were finally back to normal. Cheryl was happy to have her best friend back and vice versa. And she tried so hard to hide her dislike of this new..relationship. Whenever they smooched she'd immediately turn away with a grimace. But she never said anything. That's what mattered to Toni. She knew Cheryl didn't necessarily like or support it, but she was grateful that at least she kept it to herself.

But on this particular morning, Cheryl found it hard to keep her mouth shut as Toni and Jughead were really getting at it.

"Ugh, can't y'all keep your hands off each other for one second?" Cheryl muttered looking over at them with a grimace as Toni sighed and pulled her lips away from Jughead's before turning to face Cheryl.

"He's my boyfriend Cher..and plus he's hot so." Toni smirked glancing back at him as Cheryl snorted with laughter.

"Yeah and the sky is green." Cheryl muttered and fake gagged as Toni rolled her eyes.

"Hey I'm right here, you know?" Jughead piped up, looking over at Cheryl as well.

"I know you're here..unfortunately." Cheryl mumbled under her breath "I'll see you in bio Toni." She said picking her books up and swiftly leaving the lounge before Toni could say anything.

"What's up with her?" Jughead asking looking at Toni, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.

"Nothing's up with her babe..she just..just don't worry 'bout it 'kay?" Toni smiled pecking his lips as he just nodded and adjusted the beanie on his head before locking lips with Toni again.

Cheryl's POV

I feel sick. What the fuck was that? I miss when it was just us. But now Toni's got Jughead chasing her around everywhere like a lost puppy. I also hated when my cousin dated him but now I wish they'd get back together more than anything and not because I'm that's not it. Of course not. I just want my best friend back.

I was scrolling through my phone on my way to bio when I felt someone bump into my shoulder and I was about to shout before I turned to see who it was. Oh. Veronica. 

"I-I'm sorry Veronica..I wasn't looking." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering as I felt a deep blush appear on my cheek. Fuck. My face is probably as red as my hair now.

"No no it's okay Cheryl. Are you okay?" She asked placing her hand on my shoulder I just nodded.

"Good. Well I should get going. See you..whenever." Veronica smiled and started walking backwards, still facing me and all I did was stand there and wave like an idiot.

"See you." I whispered turning around and heading to my bio class with the biggest smile on my face.

I walked to my seat, right next to Toni and sat down, (not) patiently waiting for her to come. I couldn't wait to tell her about the little encounter me and Veronica just had. It might not seem that important and exciting but I'm so close to jumping up and down on my desk right now.

Finally, after what felt like years, Toni walked in and went to our desk before sitting down as I turned to look at her with a big grin on my face.

" okay?" She asked, chuckling lightly.

"Yes! I was walking and obviously on my phone but then someone bumped into me and just as I was about to shout, I saw it was Veronica and she asked me if I was okay and just..just..yeah." I explained giggling excitedly as Toni smiled brightly. She actually really ships me with Veronica..wish I could say the same about her and Jughead though.

"Holy shit..Cher!" She put her hand up for a high five and I high fived her back.

"Be you think we have a chance?" I asked propping my head up with my elbow.

"Yes I do. She's bi and she'd be stupid not to like you. Especially now that she's ended things with's the perfect time for you to swoop in and ask her on a date!" Toni said excitedly as she nodded her head frantically.

"Okay..I'll ask for her number after school ends." I said, bracing myself for what I was about to do in a couple hours.

Time skip to when the lesson has finished.

This lesson was fucking torture. Good thing Toni was here otherwise I think I would've gone mad. 

But now it was time to actually speak to Veronica and finally ask her the question I've been wanting to ask for years.

I pack my books up and walked out with Toni who was on her phone, texting Jughead I presume.

"I can't believe I'm doing this.." I mumbled taking a deep breath as Toni put her phone away and pulled me into a side hug.

"You'll be fine've got this. Now go get your girl." She smiled, giving me a strong squeeze as I nodded and walked off to find Veronica.

I soon found her at her locker and quickly made my way over to her, gripping my bag straps tightly as I leaned against her locker.

"Hey.." I said in a quiet voice as she looked over at me with a smile.

"Oh hey Cheryl..what's up?" She asked raising an eyebrow curiously as I took another deep breath.

"Look..there's no point beating around the bush here and honestly I think I'll die of embarrassment if I have to stand here and lay all of my feelings out so..will you go on a date with me?" I asked hopeful and bounced up on the spot as Veronica's eyes widened before scrunching her eyebrows into a frown.

Oh no. 

"Look Cheryl..I would have loved to..if I was single. But I'm with Reggie now.." Veronica explained awkwardly as she fiddled with her fingers.

Great. I've a fucking fool of myself..once again.

"I'm so-"

"No. You shouldn't be..I just..thought you were single. I'm sorry. I hope I haven't made things awkward." Of course I made things fucking awkward! I just asked my crush on a date and she's not even single!

"I'll see you around Cheryl.." Veronica sighed grabbing her bag and leaving the school as I turned around and walked back to my locker where Toni was waiting for me at.

"Well?!" She asked grinning excitedly as I just shook my head, which was enough for Toni's smile to turn into a frown as she realised what happened and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Shit I'm sorry Cher.." Toni sighed rubbing my back comfortingly as I just shook my head, tears brimming in my eyes.

"I'm fine Toni. Why should I be surprised anyway? Of course she doesn't like one ever will!" I pulled away from the hug and grabbed my bag from my locker before slamming it shut.

"Hey hey don't say th-"

"Oh for fuck sake Toni! Yes it is! The only person who's ever liked me was Heather..and even that's debatable. My mother was right. I'm loveless. And I'm sorry for wasting your time but you can go." I said, tears spilling down my cheeks freely as I turned around and ran out of the school, quickly hopping into my car and speeding off to my favourite place.

Sweetwater I come.

A/N: Kinda long chapter lol but I hope y'all enjoyed! Ik I always say this but I know it isn't amazing so if y'all have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments or message me idm.

P.s. I absolutely hate the idea of Tughead aka Toni and Jughead as a couple but it's important to the plot so..sorryyyyy. But this is a Choni story after all hehe.

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