Chapter 2

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Toni's POV

5 more minutes. 5 more minutes until I can get the fuck out of here. I'm currently stuck in Science, having to listen to my teacher go on and on about cells as if we'd actually be needing that when we apply for real life jobs. I hate school.

I stared at the clock on the wall intently, praying that the bell will ring soon so I can go enjoy my lunch with my best friend.

What was 5 minutes felt like 30 and when the bell finally rang, I dumped all of my books into my bag and walked out of the room, immediately making my way over to the lunch hall where I spotted Cheryl waiting for me as she scrolled through her phone.

She was so distracted that she didn't notice me walk past behind her and cover her eyes with my hands. "Guess who.." I whispered stifling a laugh

"My favourite person in the world." Cheryl said turning around to face me as she nodded her head "And I was right.." she chuckled taking my hand and dragging me into the cafeteria and to the food section where she let go of my hand so she could get food.

"The school's food tastes like feet..I'd rather skip." I muttered, grimacing to myself as I looked at the foods before turning to look at Cheryl who rolled her eyes.

"Suit yourself. Go wait for me at our usual table." Cheryl said looking back at the food as I nodded and walked over to our table before plopping down on the seat as I watched her from afar.

No one's POV

Cheryl finally picked what she wanted and walked over to their table before sitting down across from Toni as as she looked up, only to see Jughead Jones sending her a flirtatious wink, causing her cheeks to turn a deep shade of red before focusing her attention back to her best friend.

"Oh my god! Did you see that?! Do you think he's into me!?" Toni asked grinning excitedly as she glanced back at him while Cheryl looked at her disgusted.

"Hobo? God he's way out of your league." Cheryl sighed, shaking her head at the fact that her best friend would stoop so low as Toni frowned.

"He's sexy as fuck is he even single?" Toni asked, biting her lip as she leaned her head on her palm while Cheryl fake gagged.

"Maybe it's because I'm gay..but I don't see it. And I think anyone with a brain would also see that.." Cheryl laughed, looking at her best friend unimpressed.

"God what the fuck is your problem Cheryl..seriously? You have a crush on Veronica and do I put you down for that? No. It's not like Jug has ever done anything to you. Or do you not like him 'cause he's a Southsider..which wouldn't exactly make sense since I am one as well? You don't have a right to say who I can like and who I can' either deal with it or don't..but keep it to yourself." Toni huffed, shaking her head as she grabbed her bag and fled the scene quickly.

"Wait To-" Cheryl tried to stop her but failed, and watched as her best friend walked away from her as tears brimmed in her eyes.

She didn't mean to make her upset.  All she wants is the best for Toni. 

And yet again, Cheryl felt like she ruined everything. The one good thing in her life.

Her mother's words once again made their way into her brain, clouding her thoughts with words like "Disappointment" and "Failure" and many more.

She knew she was a disappointment. She knew she was a failure. She knew her mother was right.

She knew everyone was right. That all she is, is a loveless monster who ruins everything and everyone in her path.

She had potentially lost her best friend. And Cheryl hated that.

She hated herself.

A/N: Thanks for reading y'all, I hope you enjoyed it eventhough it's not amazing but I'm trying my best and it will get better I promise! Stay tuned for more chapters 😊

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