Kelly's POV: I am in my office doing my paperwork like usual when Capp told me that the chief was looking for me so I get up and head toward his office

K= you were looking for me chief
CB= yes I was I was hoping you could explain this transfer slip ( hands over the slip) that I received a few minutes ago
K= this is a mistake
CB= so you're not moving to OFI
K= of course not and I made that clear to Lieutenant Seager
CB= not clear enough apparently
K= I have no interest of changing departments chief zero I'll go see her right after shift i'll clear everything up
CB=  that's a really good idea

  A couple hours later it's in the shift I get changed as fast as I can so I can go see what's going on over at OFI before I can leave the locker room Stella comes in

S= hey you
K= hi
S= what's wrong
K= I got to stop by OFI to  clear something up so I will meet you at home and explain everything later
S= all right ( they kiss) see you at home

once I leave I head to OFI. Once I get there I walk straight into Captain Van-meter office 

K= Captain
VM= hey Severide
K= there's been some kind of mistake your new recruit came to see me about putting in for detail to OFI
VM= uh yeah I heard
K= I explained that it's not going to happen I'm happy where I am
WS= there is no mistakes Severide
K= you can't transfer me without my approval you don't have that kind of authority and neither do you
VM= no we don't but the transfer didn't come from us it came from Commissioner Grissom

Once Vanmeter said his name it made complete sense this is totally what Grissom  would do. He always wanted me to do better than what I have done but I've told him multiple times that I like working at 51 but he never listens. so I just leave and head home and once I get home I see that Stella is getting something out of the fridge

hey I'm home
S= hey you do you want to beer
K= yes please
S= all right here you go
K= thanks
S= you're welcome so what's going on
K= so you member when the chief told me that somebody from OFI was going to be stopping by to see me
S= oh yeah a new person
K= well that person her name was Lieutenant Wendy Seager and the reason she stopped by was to make me a job offer to move to OFI
S= and you said no right
K= of course I did 51 is my home but then The chief wanted to see me in his office
S= about what
K= well apparently somebody put in a transfer for me to move over to OFI
S= The new girl did that didn't she
K= that's what I thought too
S= wait she didn't then who did
K= Once I say his name it will make complete sense in your mind
S= okay then who
K= Grissom  did it
S= no way why
K= Who knows with him
S= it makes sense that it was him that did it but they can't transfer you without your approval right
K= I guess They can no matter what
S= that's so messed up what are you going to do about it
K= I have no clue I will talk to Boden about it tomorrow
S= hopefully he can help you figure out a way for you to stay I don't want to meet at the firehouse without you
K= I agree at least you'll have the girls to talk to for me I will have nobody at OFI to talk to I hope we can figure out a solution for me to stay
S= let's hope so
K= hey thanks for being the  one that was holding my rope today
S= No problem thanks for not getting shot
K= no problem I guess I won't tell you how close we got to getting shot at but thank God Herman did the water trick today he saved our lives
S= trust me I will be saying thank you to Herman next time I see him
K= good let's just watch TV and relax

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