-You Irish bastard, hissed the rockstar. Hurry to get home!


-A bouquet of white rose, the young woman was pleasantly surprised. It's more often the young couples who recommend them.

-You know I may be 36 years old, but my love story is recent, responded the man gently.

-Excuse me, I am not pretending you're old, said the woman slightly embarrassed.

-No, but you thought it!

Jim give her a tender smile and the young woman relaxed, anyway what could he say? The years went by for everyone. He watched her carefully put the flowers together and paid what he owed, fortunately, the roses were not very expansive. When he wanted to leave the shop, the florist called him.

-I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate them.

-Aww poor innocent, Jim thought before turning to her and replied in a soft voice. Yes, I'm sure my boyfriend will appreciate them.

The young woman's jaw dropped to the ground but the dialogue was over, the Irishman went to meet the driver before he got into big trouble.

-Can we go home Mr Hutton, asked Terry politely.

-Not yet, I still have some money to spend.

-Freddie is not the most patient man in the world I remind you.

-I know but he's going to have to wait because I intend to give him the most beautiful gift.

The two men settled in the car then Jim indicated where he wanted to go, not very demonstrative as usual Terry nodded and start the machine.

-He will be overjoyed.

Back at home, 9h40.

Jim grabbed his travel bag and bouquet of rose then asked the driver to wait for him to avoid an accident. He rang the bell and a few moment latter, Phoebe came to open it for him.

-Jim, he exclaimed. Here you are at last!

-Hi Peter, how are you?

-I'm fine thank you, and you? Not too hard this trip?

-Yes and no. The hardest part was being away from you, said Jim with a little nod.

The Irishman entered the garden and put down his bag and flowers at good distance from his legs. He had being canny because Freddie made a monumental entrance crossing the garden and jumped into his arms screaming his name.

-Welcome back darling!

Jim barely had time to catch him by the waist but the singer didn't waste a second and kissed directly him on the mouth. Feeling her cheeks heat up, Jim immediately released him and he held back his shoulders to stay at a safe distance.

-I think I'll let you alone, giggled Peter.

He took Jim's bag and walked away whistling, after letting pass a sight of frustration the Irishman took the opportunity to reprimand his boyfriend.

-How many time have I told you not to kiss me in front the others, he demanded firmly.

-I don't know because I never listen you, replied Freddie winking at him.

Jim frowned for a few seconds but he wasn't furious, quite the contrary he gave him his best smile and the two men hugged tenderly, each inhaled the smell of the other. Freddie still smelled of shampoo while Jim reeked of the natural, a mixture of fresh air unfortunately spoil by the smell of the city.

Book 2. New Life Old Pains.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat