The Story Within The Tale

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Ari: LunalaStarlight

Jena: Jenatheanimefan

Lax: UserGalaxy

Glace: Eau_de_Glace

Abby: FieryBlaze777

Kaz: kazscircus

Mia: ArianaFlame

Val: Valenertime

Jen: SunDawnNight

Bea: Ayumi_Cycy028

Rensa: ImLonely11307

Gail: XvRuika_ChirukavX

Dawn: ADifferentSimilar


They'd envisioned an epic battle, a majestic war that would end it all, that would bring their eternal death-cycle to an end. It was difficult, tracking the ones responsible, but their journey had come to an end, for they have found their base; an apartment, but there seemed to be different signals from different rooms. There must be more than one culprit, after all. No one had the power or interest to singlehandedly to write over a hundred's chapters worth of character death, each with its own story, but the same ending.

As soon as they picked the first door, where chaos already portruded from within, whether it be mere screams or the dull thud of a pillow, it was there. Wasting no time, Quake knocked on the door twice, and kicked the door down for the third.

Blaze shoved his way past Quake, hopping into the apartment. "Your reign of terror is over, you filthy villains!"

"The door!" The voice of an older woman rang through, and another pair of girls stared at him from the living room, standing on the couch and holding pillows as if they'd been caught during a pillow fight.

"Uh," Blaze faltered, turning to Quake. "You sure this is the right place?"

Quake looked to the device in his hand, three signals coming from this apartment. To every character they had tortured, they had a specific colour palette. The older woman had orange, for Blaze; but the other girls had none. Their signals were gray, indicating while they have been manipulating reality in their will, they had caused no damage. Even the orange dot was faint, that could fade anytime. These were not the people they were looking for.

"They're part of the group," Quake said. "But they're innocent. I hope the others have better luck." He turned inside. "Sorry for the door!"

They ran out before the woman could say anything.

"So, which character is back for revenge?" Jen inquired, using her moment of surprise to shove her weaponized fluff of feathers into Val's face.

Abby drew a sigh from her nose, but pressed her palms together as she calmed herself down. She knew what they were up to. Ahe just hoped that no one found—

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