Explanation on "How to Defy Fate"

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Okay so in the previous one-shot it's probably gonna be confusing asf

Anyway the person in the story is mentioned to have powers, is the hero, adored by everyone, has access to a playground.

But he's not Boboiboy.

He is also described to have:

1. Red eyes

2. Bleached hair (white hair)

3. Living in an orphanage

4. Always an outcast

5. Violent and despises the rules

I think we can put two and two together to see who tf it is.

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The power sphere is Ochobot. 

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The elementals are described as people who had used these powers before. 

Ochobot is not as innocent as he may seem. He finds a random child and gives him or her the power to manipulate the elements. 

When he or she dies, Ochobot moves on to find the next elemental user. If he or she dies again, the same thing happens.

Between finding users, there are mentions of random children who are unable to handle the surge of power and die ultimately, all still haunting the real world as they are unable to pass on regularly due to their ties to the elements.

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Reverse is a rogue spirit. 

The next user is mentioned to have:

1. Four friends undercover to keep him at bay. 

2. Brunet. (Brown haired male)

3. Ignorance

4. Innocence

5. Have his solar powers stolen 

If this doesn't remind you of a certain someone... I don't know what to say...

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Yeah this next user died in the end. Before his death, Reverse tries to stop him from following the previous elementals' fates. But thanks to Ochobot lying to him, he believes that Reverse is evil and ignores him, resulting in his death.

And when this user dies he passes off to become a Dark elemental.

Need I say more uwu

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