The bar was crowded as usual. They joined a group of friends that were there, but most of the people they knew were absent, since they formed part of Metallica's crew when they had shows to do. It was weird to be there with so many people they liked gone, but beer began to be distributed and soon they were all laughing loud. Even Rafaela, already with her head spinning from the fourth beer, it was not like James had disappeared from her mind, but she was having a fantastic time. She was laughing and dancing when she spotted a familiar figure. Her smile vanished even if Steve was telling a joke and they both recognized Kelly coming in with another girl.

"It's ok Rafi." He said.

"I miss her so much." She confessed.

"She's still not talking to you ?" He asked her and Rafaela shook her head.

"No...and it's the first time I am seeing her since James and I are together." She explained.

Kelly spotted her friends, she knew most of the people Rafaela was with and she waved. She was also not certain if she should go there, but then she decided to greet them properly. She kissed the boys and the girls on the cheeks, apart from Rafaela. She was going to ignore her, but she turned around to look at Rafaela again.

"Hi." She said then, making Rafaela's heart beat faster.

"Hi." Rafaela responded feeling insecure.

"How are you?" Kelly asked.

"I am alright, you?" Rafaela asked back.

"Dealing. Bye." She said then, and left.

She could tell she was still hurt but she was puzzled as Kelly had talked to her. Not friendly but not with all the hate she remembered from the last time they had seen each other. Maybe that was a good thing.

"With time she's going to let go." Corinne came to talk in her ear.

"I hope so. I wish she could hear me...I would like to explain." Corrine shook her head at her.

"She will never understand because both of you hurt her. She was in love with James so it's almost impossible for her to understand. But she greeted you, which shows she's letting go..."

"I miss her so much. I miss talking to her." Rafaela let out.

"You've been feeling lonely haven't you?" Corinne asked as Rafaela's parents were still not talking to her.

"Kind of. Well, James makes everything wonderful...he's been just perfect with me. Do you know he even helps me cleaning that mess they call house?" They both laughed at Rafaela's remark. "You guys are amazing too, I consider all of you friends really...but the fact that I lost my parents and my best friend makes my heart ache. It's like I lost three important people in my life in a row. It's hard to take."

"Your parents are still not talking to you?" Corinne asked her sipping on her beer.

"No..." Rafaela shook her head. "They haven't even looked for me. That hurts like hell." Rafaela's eyes watered and Corinne hugged her tight in support.

The next day Rafaela enjoyed the fact she had the house for herself and put some order in it. After lunch, she left for college. It was like the girls had old her, it was a day less on their time separated. She had fun with her colleagues and classes went quite well, plus she'd knew she would talk to James on the phone at night. He had promised to call every night and she knew he would comply with his word, after all he arranged everything for it to be possible and arranged a phone for the house.

Done with her afternoon in college, Rafaela said her goodbyes to her classmates and made her walk to her car. When she was approaching it, she saw a female figure leaning against it. She held her books tightly against her chest, feeling her heart beating so fast. She felt it on her throat and her mouth went dry with excitement. She took off running, her eyes flooded with tears that began to fall in seconds.

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