~ Chapter 31 ~

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Two hours later,
Shie Hassaikai's hideout,
Eri's room...

Third Person's POV

"Eri~" Izuku cooed playfully after opening the door of Eri's bedroom. Her smile turned into a frown when she saw the poor little girl cowering in her bed. Her small body was trembling violently, her face was buried in her knees.

Izuku's fingers twitched at this miserable sight of Eri's state. Her red lips quivered before a rush of realization hit her. 'Don't tell me... While I'm asleep, Kai... Torture Eri again?' She thought in frustration.

'I can't stop him! I know how painful the procedure is. To imagine that Eri had to go through it... Again and again... It was unbelievable. She is so strong to face this alone, by herself... Before I came here.'

The female greenette slowly walked over to the younger female's bed. Eri shuddered when her footsteps echoed in the room. Hesitantly, she lifted her head up from her knees. Her teary crimson eyes trembled upon seeing the figure of the woman she treasured the most.

"I-Izuku-san..." She uttered, voice croaky and shaky. She was about to say something again, but her voice broke off into a loud cry of trauma, desperation clouded her face. She jumped off her bed and ran toward Izuku. Izuku kneeled down, opening her arms for the girl she viewed as her own daughter.

Eri's bandaged arms came in contact with Izuku's body. She clutched on her for dear life. "Eri..." Izuku patted her back in pity, hugging her tighter. "That must have hurt... I'm sorry for not being there to stop Kai again..." The green-haired girl apologized, chewing on her lower lip unconsciously.

Eri just responded with lour crying and uncontrollable sobbing. Oh, how the sound she made shattered Izuku's heart into million pieces. She picked Eri's small body up and set her in the bed gently.

Izuku touched the child's bandaged arms, before her eyes shifted to her. She rubbed her arm up and down, hoping this would comfort her even just a little bit. Eri teared up again. She buried her face in Izuku's chest. All she wanted now was comfort, Izuku's warmth and affection.

The pregnant lady smiled softly and stroked Eri's long silver hair. This was the only thing she could do to help Eri. Her contact with Eri had lessened due to Kai's order and it was difficult for both of them.

'Kai must have realized that I grow attached to Eri... Is that why he doesn't want me to see Eri too frequently? But the reason he agreed to be my fiance is for me to take care of Eri at first, and use me as an excuse to make Eri submit herself to him... So why now he is forbidding me from meeting her?' Izuku thought in confusion.

'Jealousy...?' Was the only answer that popped up in her mind.

Several minutes passed and Izuku noticed the crying had stopped. She darted her irises to Eri, who seemed to fall asleep in her arms. Chuckling, she silently laid Eri in the bed and pulled the blanket to cover her body.

She let out a sigh of relief. "I should go see Nemoto-san..." She murmured, deciding to leave Eri's room...


In the flower garden...

"Come on, Nemoto-san! Let's play badminton together!" Izuku cheered in excitement as she held the green racket high in the air. Nemoto sighed, complying with her request. He hesitantly took the other green racket from her hand.

"Are you sure you can play with your current condition? I don't think this is a good idea." The bowler hat-wearing man stated unsurely. His words got Izuku thinking for a while.

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