~ Chapter 08 ~

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Time passed by,
Overhaul's lair...

Midoriya's POV

"You know what, I love hearing people screaming in agony, begging to stop torturing them. It kinda make my heart feel at ease." Toya displayed his playful crazy grin as he went on with his story. I only responded awkwardly with a nod and paid attention to his rambling. My eyes shifted to Eri-chan's small figure curling in the bed, sleeping soundly.

I wonder when he will stop--

"...why do you want to be a hero, Izuku?" His question caught me off guard, making me jumped slightly. I don't feel like answering him. What if he is like Tomura Shigaraki, a person with strong hatred toward the Symbol of Peace?

I honestly don't want to get on this guy's bad side. He seems harmless if I was to compare him with other yakuzas.

Alright, Izuku. Just...take a deep breath and answer calmly.

"I...want to protect the people I love..." I retorted, feeling unsure with my own answer. Toya's grin grew wider. "Well, let me ask you something again." He scooted closer to me.

"If I'm your boyfriend and a hero attacks me out of nowhere, will you still save me or...just ignore?" Toya asked in seriousness. I swallowed down my saliva after he finished airing his question.

Okay, okay, calm down, me.

So, if my boyfriend is a villain, and he is caught by a hero, will I save him or ignore him? That is his question...


Why is it so difficult to answer?!

"Take your time to answer. I will wait.." Toya wrapped his slender arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him until there was no gap left. I turned red at the closeness between the two of us.

I think I know why he is acting oddly... But I don't want to believe it. I mean, that is impossible...

"T-Toya, I--"

Suddenly, the silver metal door slammed open, revealing Chisaki-san and Kurono-san. And certainly, he didn't seem happy at all. "What is going on here?" Chisaki-san hissed, his honey yellow eyes narrowing in anger. "Boss!" Toya stood up in hurry, putting on his plague mask back.

"Toya, come with me." Kurono-san ordered, his gaze fell on my fighre. He was obviously looking down at me.

Toya nodded and walked toward the two men, glancing at me for the last time for today. Chisaki-san's eyes tailed the younger man's figure as he made his way out of the room. He whispered something to Toya but I couldn't make it out.

I wonder if he is planning to hurt me. That is why he

Toya's facial expression turned to fear. He slowly nodded his head again before leaving the room with Kurono-san. Chisaki-san's eyes were now locked on me. I stood up from my sitting position."We are going home." He commanded, crossing his arms in his chest. "No, I will stay here with Eri." I defied, resting my hands on each side of my hips.

"Acting tough, I see?" Chisaki-san raised an eyebrow, dangerously stepping closer to me. "Listen, you sick creature, don't think high of yourself just because you are my so-called 'fiancee'. In fact, I don't even want to marry a walking bacteria like you." He mocked me.

"Well, as if I want to marry a heartless germaphobic villain like you who can't even stand a lowlife, harmless bacteria. Let me tell you one thing, Kai Chisaki-- No, Overhaul. I. DESPISE. YOU. From the very bottom of my heart!" I glared dagger into Overhaul's golden irises.

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