~ Chapter 09 ~

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Overhaul's lair,
Eri's room,

Third Person's POV

"I punish you...to kiss me..." Toya uttered cheekily, placing one finger on his pale lips. Izuku's eyes widened in shock but was quickly replaced with deep crimson shades dusted her beautiful freckled face. Eri, who became the audience, already hid her face in the whie fluffy pillow belonged to her. "W-what?! No way!" Izuku defied, slamming her hands on the floor firmly.

"No objection! That is what you got for losing!" Toya just laughed it off, ignoring her pleading to cancel it. "Well, if you don't wanna do it, I will do it with you then.." He stared into her harlequin irises deeply, heartbeat speed greatly increased when their gazes met.

Toya Setsuno, once had his heart broken by his cruel ex-lover. Ever since that day, he lost hope to continue living. He wanted to end his suffering...by ending his own life. His attempt then failed. A hero saved him from committing suicide.

Then, Kai Chisaki appeared and showed him to the path of light. He devoted himself to Shie Hassakai, the only place he belonged to.

Until these days, Toya held a strong hatred toward woman and never believed in love. His heart is close for love. To him, love is a curse that destroy a human's life.

But... His meeting with Izuku changed his mind and perspective. Something, just something about her made her seem special. He couldn't take his eyes off his boss' fiancee and wouldn't stop thinking about the gorgeous green-haired girl.

Why this feeling again? How can he develop it?
What the girl has done to him?

He kept asking himself even though he knew the answer. Izuku was possibly the one he had been searching in his life. He wanted to hold the feelings longer, he wanted to keep it although he knew this was wrong.

Because the woman he is loving right now...

Was none other than the fiancee of his boss, Kai Chisaki.

At least, he wanted to feel love again...in his life.

"Toya, please, don't do this." Izuku begged sadly. Toya acted like a fool, only tilting his head confusedly. "You don't have a lover or anything so it is not a big problem, right?" He stated calmly, tugging a soft smile at the greenette.

"Yeah! B-but, I'm--"

"Boss' fiancee. I know. But you don't love him and he doesn't love you."

Izuku was shocked once again by his sharp statement. How did he know?

"You can't fool me, Izuku.." Toya crawled toward Izuku who was frozen there. He pushed her lying on the cold floor, towering over her hourglass body. His palms were planted on either side of her head. "Stop it... This is wrong..." Izuku was about to push him off her but her wrists were gripped by Toya's big hands. He pinned them above her head, closing the gaps between their faces. He placed his leg between her thighs, heat radiating from his body and hers.

"Nothing is wrong with this..." Toya whispered into her ear huskily. "We may don't love each other...but I'm still his fiancee. The fiancee of your boss, Toya. I-if you continue this, he will..."

"He never cares about you at all, Izu. You heard it yourself. He is just using you for his own benefit. So why are still defending him? Besides, you can't even run away from here... That is really impossible." Toya said, feeling a bit guilty for talking trash about his leader.

Toya's words pierced Izuku's heart like a sharp knife, slowly tearing it apart. Her lips began quivering as her mind processed everything he said.

'No matter what I do... He will never care about me. Why this sounds very true that it hurts my heart so much...?' Tears began flooding her green eyes, facr flushed red. 'I'm so frustrated... So stupid to believe that heartless villain will care for me.' as her eyes close, tears flowed down her soft cheeks.

Toya felt her sadness. He brushed his fingers on her smooth skin, wiping off her tears while his other hand still pinned both of her wrists. "It's okay... If Boss won't love you, then I will..." He whispered softly.
At this rate, Izuku couldn't think straight anymore. Her mind had completely seeped in Toya's word. She knew it. She has no hope to leave this place.

Izuku began sobbing softly, the crystal liquid kept falling from her eyes. Toya shortened the gaps between their faces more, until their lips brushed against each other. Izuku slowly shut her eyes tightly, waiting for his next move.

'I'm sorry, Boss... But she deserved much better treatment... A much better man to love her... If you won't play your role as her lover, her fiance, then I will take your place...' Toya thought.

Gently, he merged his pale lips with her pinkish ones, his slick tongue dominating every inch of her wet interior. Out of instinct, he pressed his knee against Izuku, causing the young female to let out a strange noise she never heard of before.

Eri, who was on her bed, had no idea what was going on. But she was smart. She knew she couldn't look. She heard their serious conversation and Izuku's crying. She decided to stay silent and hid her face in the pillow deeper.

Toya felt heat building up in his system. His hands dangerously traveled to her hips, gripping on them. He pressed his body against hers. "I-Izuku... You feel so good..." He sighed in pleasure.

Izuku started feeling all dizzy and drowsy, not hearing what Toya whispered into her ear. She tilted her head to the right side slightly, her body arching back.

Toya stared at her collarbone and neck, strange urge growing inside him. He followed his instinct, getting closer to her neck. His teeth slowly dug into her skin, marking her with his bitemarks.

Izuku couldn't stop herself anymore. She moaned so loudly it echoed in the entire room. Poor innocenr Eri stayed to cover her ear. The only thoughts crossed her mind was Izuku was tortured by Toya and she never dared to see it.

"T-Toya, please..." Izuku kept throwing her head on the other side repeatedly. "I-I can't...anymore..." She pleaded sadly, tears flowing down her face faster.

"Hang in there, sweetie..." Toya started unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his chest to the girl. Izuku stared at him with teary eyes. "W...what are you doing?" She asked in confusion.

"I'm going to make you mine." Toya stated frankly, his hand slid into Izuku's shirt and lifted it up until it exposed her chest. A rush of realization hit Izuku.

"T-Toya, wait--"

The door crept open, cutting off their moment. The two turned to look at the door reflexively. There, stood a shock Hari Kurono....

...and an angry Kai Chisaki....



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