~ Chapter 15 ~

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Shie Hassakai's lair,
Izuku's temporary room,

Overhaul's POV

Buzzing noise coming from my pants pocket snapped me back into the real world. I growled in dissatisfaction. I just got the time to cuddle with my loved one and now I have to deal with a nuisance?

I swear I will blow anyone who interrupted our moment to bits-

"Ah." I stayed quiet when I read the caller ID. It was Naga.

He finally called me after one month going on his mission.

Aigh of exhaustion left ny mouth. I tapped the green button to answer his call, clamping the smartphone close to me ear. "What do you want, Naga?"

"That is not a nice way to greet your father-in--"

"That sounds disgusting when you say that."

"Aw, don't be so harsh on me! I'm just here to give you my report--"

"What is it? Have you murdered them yet?"

"Well, I delightly announced the mission is accomplished! Those jerks were wiped off by me easily!"


"By the way, can you give your phone to my dear princess? I tried contacting her but she didn't pick up."

"She is currently sleeping right now."

"Oh. Wait-- How did you know? Are you stalking on her?"



"Yeah, why?"

"Overhaul... Have you done 'that' with my daughter...?"

" 'That'...? Ah, you mean that 'thing'. So what if I say yes?"

"I respect you as my boss but please, I'm not ready for grandchildren yet--"

"I can't promise."

"...Oh,God...Overhaul, you...don't tell me..."

"Whatever. I'm tired. I will call you back later" I hung up the call, cutting off the conversation mid-way. I turned my attention to the lovely sleeping greenette next to me, snoring softly. I tucked the phone into my pocket and lied myself next to her back. My hand slowky trailed to her hips, pulling her closer to me.

"I don't want grandchildren yet."

Naga's voice echoed in my box of mind. It bothered me a little bit-- no, a little too much. I stared at my fiancee in complete silence, unconsciously gritting my teeth. I stroked her hair to calm my rapid beating heart. "Izu..." I murmured, calling out her name.

Izuku stirred in her slumber, her eyelids slowly parted and showed to me her shiny jade irises. I tugged a small smile and pecked her forehead. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her. "I still felt dizzy but I'm fine now." She exclaimed sheepishly, perhaps to lighten up my mood. But then, she started fidgeting in my arms.

"I...I wanna see... Eri... P-please..." Izuku cowardly demanded, intertwining her delicate soft fingers in nervousness. A sigh of defeat escaped my throat, knowing the fact I couldn't say 'no' to her. "...fine. But just for 2 hours. After that, come and meet me in my office." I said calmly to assure her. Izuku's slightly red face brightened up with happiness.

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