~ Chapter 16 ~

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In a shopping mall..

Third Person's POV

Hisashi stared at his phonescreen with wide eyes and jaw dropped to the floor. His hand started shaking as he recalled his conversation with his leader. Inko, who was trying on a new dress, exited the changing room. "How do I look, Hisa-kun?" She shyly asked her beloved husband but the said man didn't seem to hear her.


"Inko, let's leave this place." Hisashi eventually spoke, still having the same shock expression. Inko started to worry. "W-why?" she asked the black-haired man concernly.

" I think we need to buy baby's goods." Hisashi announced, which shocked Inko. "Hisa-kun, what's wrong? What are you talking about? I-I don't understand!" Inko exclaimed in panic, tears forming in her emerald eyes. "Maybe we are going to have grandchildren..." Hisashi began pacing back and forth in anxiety, worried about his daughter's well-being. No, he wasn't worry Kai taking Izuku's first time. He was concerned that Izuku would get pregnant.

'Overhaul wasn't joking about spending his night together with Izuku. It is good that they are getting along and all... But boy! I never thought they would get this along!' Hisashi shook his head, a gentle smile mustered on his lips. 'At least Izuku isn't dating a certain Number Two's hero son... I hate that boy.' He mentally sighed in relief.

"Hisa-kun! Hisa-kun! Tell me! What happened to our baby girl--" Hisashi cut Inko off by kissing her deeply on the lips. "Let's go buy some baby's goods. We will have grandchildren soon... I hope." He smiled softly at his wife.

"What-- No way!" Inko denied, slightly raising her voice. "Yeah, it looks like everything went smooth between those two." Hisashi chuckled heartily. "Unbelievable, right? I never thought they would get along so fast since Kai is a bit difficult to approach." He leaned against the wall, staring at her softly.

"But are you sure she is...pregnant?" Inko asked unsurely, fiddling her fingers in nervousness. "Probably. But it won't hurt to prepare the goods earlier." Hisashi grabbed his wife's hand before dragging Inko out of the store all of a sudden.

"Come on, let's go buy baby's goods for them!"

"But we haven't paid for this dress yet!"


Back to the yakuza,
Two hours later,
Shie Hassakai's hideout,
Eri's room...

Third Person's POV

Izuku silently watched Eri drawing while she hummed a lullaby that Izuku always sang to the little girl before she went to sleep. "Ne, Izuku-san. Where did you learn that lullaby?" The child asked the older girl. Izuku placed one finger on the corner of her lips.

"Well, I learnt it from my mother. When I was a young girl like you, she will always sing that lullaby for me everytime before I go to sleep. It calms my heart down ans make me feels at ease." Izuku said nostalgically. Eri picked up her drawing and crawled to Izuku, sitting on her laps.

"My mom never did that to me..." Eri sadly uttered. "Izuku-san... Can I tell you something?" She looked up to the dark green-haired girl with her big red eyes. "Sure, go on." Izuku allowed.

"Will you promise...you won't hate me afterward...?"

"Honey, I will never hate you. You are a sweet, kind-hearted girl who deserve much better life than this..." Izuku said, hugging Eri much tighter and closer to her. Eri looked down and started breathing heavily due to anxiety.

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