Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

She is not imagining things.

The person Xin is talking to who "actually" wants to apologize to her is indeed Wang He Di.

She pinched her arm to make sure she isn't dreaming.

Xin's eyes flitted towards hers and soon enough, DiDi has turned around to face her.

She noted how red-rimmed his eyes are despite the perfection of his face before he fully focused on her. It was the only give-away that what had happened between the two of them affected him like it affected her.

But it was enough.

"Xin, I'll take it from here."

The other woman raised a brow at her in concern. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, not meeting their guest's eyes yet but feeling them speak more than what he had just said to her best friend.

"I will be upstairs", her best friend recognized her steel resolve, then turned towards DiDi, "I would like to remind you that this IS my house so no wrong moves!"

Yue turned to face him then and even when DiDi acknowledged Xin's threat, his eyes never left her.

Dong Xin left them in the living room and they listened to her trudging upstairs.

It was only after a few heartbeats that DiDi began.

"You heard everything?"

"That you admitted you're an asshole, a leech, that you are shameless, you use people, and you are the root of all evil?"

She watched him try to control himself from smiling. "You missed out on a few more."

"Well I also heard you say you are worthless, and you are worse than shit and that you should be buried over and over again until your bones are pulverized, and worms eat your body "

He nodded.

She bit at her lip before asking hesitantly "Did you really come here to say sorry?"



He clenched and unclenched his fists.

"Will you allow me to tell you everything? I want to explain in full why I am apologizing and if you decide to forgive me, you can truly forgive me. And even if you don't... at least you understand why I did the things I did..."

That was fair.

She nodded towards the veranda. "Do you want to sit outside?"

"Do you want to?"

"Yes. I think it would be more comfortable for us to sit out there and for you to tell me this knowing that I would be the only one to hear." Of course, she would probably talk to Xin about this but Yue understands the gravity of this man's request and wants to give him privacy for it.

DiDi looked contrite. "You don't have to think about me, Yue. I deserve all the discomfort you can give me for what I have done to you."

He has a point but knowing he is sorry is more than enough penitence she needs. She doesn't need to further wound him.

She led the way to the backyard.

Xin and Zhi Ting's veranda has a white cushioned swing set that could fit three to four people. She took a seat there and allowed DiDi to decide whether he wanted to sit beside her or any of the other french chairs.

He sat at the other end of the swing, looking determined.

The man didn't need Yue's prompting to start.

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