save (pocky-day edition)

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It's been a week since me and Jay moved in together, but it's been weird. Not because we don't get along or we aren't comfortable with each other, it's that we haven't adjusted to life out of high school, and not living at the manor. I mean Jason's been out of school for a year but he constantly visited me in school during lunch and all my free periods and we both still lived with Bruce. It's like nothing REALLY changed. But now, we both have jobs, I work at a local coffee shop and Jay works at a motorcycle repair shop, and we live in an apartment in the city, nowhere near the Manor. I'm not very good at cooking so we mostly live off of Jason's cooking or something he brought from the Manor that Alfred made. Then on top of it all, I've been keeping the reason for me not being Lightspeed anymore from him. He knows nothing about what happened when I went to the future a year ago, all the things I learned. But I can't tell him, he can't know

Right now I'm waiting for Jay to pick me up from work, I work later than him so he always picks me up on his motorcycle. I was sitting at an outside table, Jason sent me a text saying he'd be a few minutes late cause he took too long in the shower, typical, he takes longer showers than me. Even when we take a shower together he still isn't done by the time I'm done, I just don't understand him sometimes. I clutched my bag which inside held the pepper spray I always carry now that I work in the city. This place is full of creepers and even though I have super speed, I'd rather not get caught using it to get out of trouble

I didn't close up shop so people we still leaving while I was waiting. The door opened the bell ringing in my ears, but I wasn't paying any attention, my gaze was fixed on the road looking for Jay's bike. I heard footsteps come close to me but I only put my hand in my purse reaching for my spray, not looking in their direction. "excuse me, it was y/n? right?" a man asked, he looked roughly 20-23 "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked, for I slightly recognized him but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "oh, sorry. I'm Mike, you served me in there and I just couldn't forget a face as beautiful as yours" he smiled, taking the seat across from me "oh uh...thanks...I guess" I said, "mumbling the "I guess" so as not to be rude

"how about we get some dinner? on me of course. I'd love to get to know you" did he really just ask me out like that? I haven't been asked out, EVER. Not since...ugh, Ryan. "I-I'm sorry, I can't," I said, trying to let him down easy since he seems sweet, in a flirty Bart way. And yes, I met Bart a few months ago along with the rest of the team, and yes he hit on me then Jason punched him, Bart has never since flirted with me. "oh come on sweet cheeks, just dinner, I swear nothing else" he smiled, I rolled my eyes before glancing down at the promise ring Jason gave me last year, which gave me a light bulb. "I said no. I'm taken" with that I flashed my ring at him, hoping he'd see it a wedding ring and leave me be. "he doesn't have to know," Mike said slyly, a glint of mischief in his eyes, "excuse me?" I asked, "but do I look like a girl who isn't content? I said,"

"oo feisty, I like it! but don't be like that sweety-" but he stopped and looked above me, fear in his eyes, his hold body almost shaking. A shadow was cast over me and two hands were placed on my shoulders "she said, f*ck off" I heard a familiar voice growl, his grip on my shoulders tightening. I looked up to find the one and only Jason Todd behind me. He was in his usual jeans, t-shirt, combat boots, and leather jacket "babe, don't put words in my mouth, you know I don't-" shush baby, daddy's busy" Jay interrupted (how rude), smiling down at me before giving Mike a death glare. "are you deaf? do I need to repeat myself? or do I need to just beat it into your skull? f*ck. off" he stated, definitely in the mood to punch something. Mike didn't utter another word, he just shook with fear as he got up and ran away

Jason just muttered "good riddance" under his breath before pecking my cheek and extending his hand out, "Hey babe," seriously? "daddy's bussy"?" I asked almost laughing, taking his hand and getting up. "what? I used that line one time when I had to defuse a bomb with one hand while I held cops off at gunpoint with the other. it worked with them" Jay shrugged, a grin on his face. I just giggled and shook my head, him and his tales of whoa. "so, how was your day?" he asked, squeezing my hand, genuine interest in his voice "meh, I spilled coffee on my apron....again" I mumbled, twidling with my hair. To be honest, I'm the not most coordinated coffee barista, don't judge me! I heard Jason slightly chuckle "shut up" I pouted, punching his shoulder "how as your day?" I asked, squeezing his hand back, trying to change the subject

"it was pretty good...other than a stupid bike peeing oil on my jeans" he griped, pointing at a very visible oils spot on his right thigh, his amazingly thick and amazing thigh. Aaaannnyyyywho. It was very visible but lucky for me, Alfred taught me how to get the various stains out of the boys' suits, so this should be easy as pie. "guess you'll have to take them off as soon as we get home so I can wash them" I sheepishly grinned, he just giggled then let go of my hand and slung his arm around my waist. Jay parked a little way from the coffee shop so we passed a few shops "oh, I think place carries my smokes, I'll be right back" he said before kissing my forehead. "hey wait a minute! what about the bike!?" I exclaimed pointing at his red bike only a few blocks ahead of me

"you can start it up babe" he winked before walking opening the door to the shop, "Jason Peter Todd! get your butt back here!" I said, stomping my foot. But he was already in the shop, "stupid Jay" I grumbled under my breath while walking over to his bike. He's trying to quit smoking but he gets grumpy if he goes without on for too long and he hasn't smoked one in a couple weeks and he's starting to get really grumpy. He quit cold turkey a month ago, but that didn't go well, so a smoke every now and then is al he gets right now. I don't like it that he smokes, but it's his way of dealing with being the hood. I put my helmet on and then grabbed my leather jacket out of the side storage and threw it on, I didn't try starting it, last time I tried that... let's just say it didn't go well

A few minutes later Jay came out of the shop, a huge grin on his face "what's the grin for?" just happy they had my smokes" he chirped. He then put his helmet on then swung onto his bike then helping me on after I put my purse in the side storage. Once we got home I started warming up leftover spaghetti from last night for dinner while Jay changed. I was warming it up quickly because he has patrol at 9 and it's 8:30 now, while I waited for the spaghetti I turned around to find Jay in basketball shorts, nothing else, "no patrol?" I asked, then the microwave beeped, I went back to make to dinner. "nope, wanted to spend pocky-day with my girl" he said, his voice a little muffled, I turned around to find him with a stick of pocky in his mouth and a grin on his lips

"I thought you were getting smokes" I though the money would be better spent on these" he said, wiggling the box in his hand "want some?" he asked, inching his hands around my waist, "I'd love some" with that I ate the pocky in his mouth till our lips met, keeping my eyes on his turquoise ones until our kiss, that only led to the spaghetti being a forgotten and two boxes of pocky eaten while we watched "friends" 

Best movie night ever

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