A Sunny Day (15)

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It was a nice hot sunny day, and everyone was spending time at the beach. We had traveled quite a way for us to get there.

Summer was ending quickly; the warm weather would stay forever and soon it'd autumn. We were on the top of the cliffs with waves underneath. The waves weren't aggressive at all which was nice considering many people jumped from the cliffs into the water below.

Riley had already been here for three days already. I had no clue how long she'd be staying but considering we were short of healers and the travel to the yellow pack was far, I could only assume it'd be for a very long time.

Everyone loved her, but I could even begin to like her. I wanted to like her. She had a pretty smile, she was smart, and helped around the pack a lot but every time she looked at me, my skin would crawl.

She hadn't done anything to me either! I felt dumb trying to rationalize my dislike towards her, but the bottom line was I was jealous. No matter how much I hated to admit it, I was jealous of her and her friendship with Alec.

They had grown close, so close it was bothering me. Especially because she was touchy. She was touchy with everyone but especially him.

Regardless, I tried to focus on other things.

"Ew, stop!" I laughed, pushing Alec away from me. He stepped forwards with his arms out and I kept my distance.

Usually, I'd be trembling with excitement over the idea of hugging Alec, but not now. He was freakishly warm, I found that out by sharing a bed with him. His skin was always hot, and it was like torture on a hot day like this.

"What? That's rude, all I want is a hug," Alec teased. I began to run, and he rang after, his arms extended. The moment he reached me it was like a bear trap, and I was not looking forward to that.

"No!" I laughed as I ran away from him, but he was faster. His hand gripped onto my side and yanked me back. With ease he threw me over his shoulder and his skin was like a hot plate.

I ordered him to release me as I smacked my hand into his back and kicked my legs frantically trying to break free. Alec was shirtless and his skin was surprisingly hotter without a shirt on.

He walked over to the edge of the cliff. I knew where this was going, "Don't you dare!" I was warned. I held onto him tightly, the heat no longer bothering me considering it was better to overheat than go into the water.

"I thought it was hot? You just need to cool off," he mocked. He stood by the ledge and within seconds I was off his shoulder and falling.

"ASSHOLE!" I hollered but my insult turned into a scream as I plummeted towards the ocean. I went under water, and it was refreshing I wasn't going to admit that though.

I let the water ease over my body for a moment until I decided to resurface, spitting the water from my mouth and vainly wiping the water from my eyes. I swam back to shore.

I looked back up to the cliffs. Alec chased after others, soon enough. Apparently throwing me off a cliff was so fun he had to do it to everyone. I was glad I wasn't his only target.

One, two, three other people in the span of me traveling back up the trail to the tops of the cliff. Squeals and screams of excitement echoed throughout the area.

I reached the top, my legs exhausted as if I had never used them a day in my life before now.

"Alec, no! Stop it! This isn't funny!" Lonni squealed already over his shoulder as she kicked and slammed her fist down onto his back as I had attempted to do, "Leo, help me!" she begged to reach out for her mate, but he was too busy dying of laughter.

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