To Be Taught to Stand (22)

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I tried to use chopsticks the way Irene and Xiuying did, but I failed miserably, causing Irene to laugh at me. I stuck with the fork Xiuying had given us just in case.

There were many delicious foods. Fried fish, rice cakes, noodles, meat, and so on.

"So, what happened to Abeni?" I asked Xiuying as I took a big mouth full of the fish. Xiuying's face darkened as she thought back on it all. "I'm sorry I have to ask, but Lonni lied to me about everything. I didn't even know there was a red pack."

"It's fine, I expected you to ask about it." Xiuying put her chopsticks down and cleared her throat, "Your mother returned to the purple pack. She had to make amends for what she had done the night of the full moon."

"The full moon?" Irene asked.

I explained to her what it meant. How during certain moons, we tended to lose control. She nodded.

"She left Ethan in our care; she knew it was dangerous. Once she had returned, she was executed. In a fit of rage, the red pack went to war with the purple pack," Xiuying said with a saddened tone in her voice. I placed my hand on her back. "It was a mistake to go to war with them. We were a peaceful pack, unknown to violence. The purple pack has many allies, we have none."

My face saddened as I could imagine it. Huge armies of werewolves storming in on the small army the red pack would have.

"Lonni was in pain from the loss of her sister, the things pain can do to a woman is something to fear," Xiuying said, "She, alone, killed many of our troops. She believed we were at fault for her sisters' disappearance. She thought we had brainwashed her," Xiuying scoffed.

"Lonni believes whatever she wants to believe." Irene rolled her eyes and Xiuying nodded. For the first time, there was a new feeling towards Lonni. I couldn't put a name on it, but I knew it made me angry.

"Abeni had been our best warrior. With the help of Luna, she was the only reason we were not suffering from serious losses. But, even with Abeni's great ice powers, Lonni killed her," Xiuying said with a cold expression.

I couldn't imagine it. Abeni using ice and power from Luna, only for Lonni to put an end to her. I couldn't even begin to think about how she was able to.

"She then killed our Alphas. Her husband was far worse than her, however. He lived for war," Xiuying continued with a fearful expression as she thought back on it all, "He nearly killed me. He would have if it hadn't been for my mate." Xiuying frowned and her eyes swollen with tears, but she didn't cry, it had been an old wound.

"Leo killed him?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"He killed her."

My sympathy for Xiuying only doubled. Losing both of her best friends, her mate, and her entire pack to the same people must've been devastating. I wrapped my arms around Xiuying tightly.

This whole time, I never truly hated Leo. I didn't like him, but I didn't hate him. Hearing this story, how they were capable of just mindlessly killing people...a bubbling feeling of nothing but just disgust was rising in my stomach.

Xiuying hugged me back lightly. This war hadn't been long ago, but the wounds from the tragic events had already healed and Xiuying didn't cry when thinking about it. She looked sad, but tears didn't fester.

"Most of our houses were gone, many of our people were killed, and our crops were destroyed. We became a colony under the purple pack," she continued distastefully.

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