Red Magic Makes Red Wounds (60)

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Alec POV
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Unlike the guardian of the moon, I did not take my magic from Luna. I had endless amount I could use whenever I want—that didn't mean I had control.

I used to have control, a bunch of it. I had been training with my dad and mother all the way up until they died, and even then I had never truly run into a problem. Not until the guardian of the moon's lack of control began to affect mine. The slight waver of my mood would cause explosions to appear from thin air.

So, finding out Ethan, my mate, is the guardian of the moon—let's just say I was getting a little too "excited".

Of course, it was him. It's always about Ethan.

I had been waiting to meet the guardian my ENTIRE life. It was the only thing my father spoke about with excitement. It was the only thing my mother prepared me for. It was the only thing I was told to look forward to and it was him.

My muscles tensed and my jaw clenched.

"Calm down," is all I could repeat in my head. I tried to slow my breathing, I tried and tried. My ears rang as everything became dizzy.

"Alec?" Ethan asked as he stood to come to me.

"No!" I snapped as I put my hand up. I needed to focus. I needed everyone's eyes off of me. I needed everyone to stop talking, to stop existing for just a minute! Anger. I felt anger.

Although I've been angry in the past, or upset, or Luna knows what, it was rare for me to have an "accident" as my father always likes to say. But recently, because of Ethan, my powers have been out of control and my emotions were VERY dangerous.

I needed to stay calm.

"I know this is a lot but—"

"Shut up, Lonni," I said. My tone low.

My eyes landed on Leo who's face twisted in anger. Although Leo and Lonni had this bullshit act of hating each other going on this past year, I knew Leo still cared. I'm sure he wanted to rip my throat out—but I wanted to rip his out too.

"I'm going to take a walk," I said as I turned to walk to the door.

Leo grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Don't you owe Lonni an apology?" Leo asked me.

"I'm sorry, Lonni," I apologize through my teeth. I pulled my arm away and stormed out the door leaving behind everyone in that house. I watched Noah race down the trails with three men, who I suppose are the healers, to the alpha house. They were no longer needed for Ethan—but I guess they could help out.

I went deep into the woods until I made it to the lake frozen over by Ethan. The blood stained the ice still and the dead bodies had not yet been removed.

I took a seat by the ice, resting my forehead against it. I couldn't feel how hot my body temperature had risen, but when my skin made contact with the ice, it melted.

Why did I have to be the guardian of the sun? It's not like Sol really needed protecting, it was just his stupid mate, Luna, who needed it.

I never wanted to be the guardian.

After my mother and father died, I thought maybe I was free from all this torment and training, but apparently my father's soul was reserved into a whole other realm, so how fun is that? And no matter how hard I try to block it all out, it managed to crawl back into my life.

I could manage before but Luna went too far by making the guardian of the moon my mate. It was like a big "hey, fuck you forever!". Ethan's only purpose being a constant reminder of how I still had to do a job I never wanted.

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