Breakfast (3)

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I woke up but at what cost? My body was aching in pain and as I remembered what had happened, I began to boil with embarrassment. Perhaps I could've just pretended to be asleep until everyone just forgot I existed.

I sat up despite every muscle in my body screaming at me to chill the hell out. I felt like an old person. I didn't know if I should call for someone, or just do nothing. I decided to do nothing. It's not like I was eager to see anyone.

I thought maybe I'd be alone for hours, but as soon as I sat up, the door opened. I flinched as in walked by a familiar face. Lonni. Once she noticed I was awake, she smiled widely, "How are you feeling?" she asked as she set a pile of clean clothes at the edge of the bed.

"Sore," I admitted, and she laughed a bit. How was she so cheerful after all of that? "How long have I been asleep for?" I asked as I slowly stood from the bed, stretching my sore arms and back.

"Only a day, but your injuries will still be a little sore. I suggest you take it easy for now, at least until you heal fully," She informed me, and I nodded. There was an awkward silence that fell between the two of us. There seemed to be something on her mind that gave her a slightly pained look as if she had just drank expired milk. She blinked a couple times, clearing whatever clouded her head away and smiled again, "Go take a shower to freshen up and then come join us for breakfast," Lonni suggested before she turned on her heel and left the room.

I dwelled a little bit longer until I decided I should probably obey her. I paid attention to how much my limbs hurt, was this normal? I know the fight had been rough but surely not rough enough to leave me feeling so weak.

Perhaps I really was an old man. My headache felt like there was an earthquake going on inside of my head or as if my brain wanted to be active for once and decided to do a bunch of flips in there.

I slowly walked across the hall into the bathroom. I could smell bacon and eggs from the kitchen. I felt excited, not because I especially liked bacon and eggs but because I hadn't had food in days, I wouldn't care what they had made, as long as there's food, I would be happy.

The bathroom was right across the room I had been staying in. It was a small bathroom with a toilet, a shower that doubled as a tub, and a sink. Most packs didn't have running water, I was glad to see they did. It was similar to the blue pack in that way.

I got undressed and hopped in the shower. The water felt warm, calming all the aching I felt throughout my body.

As I stayed in the shower, and let my thoughts wonder, I grew sadder. I felt weak. I should have tried harder to fight; I could have done something to stop that wolf. If anything, I made myself look weak and pathetic in front of the Alphas.

I covered my face as I thought about the embarrassing moment. I could only imagine what they thought of me.

Those thoughts swarmed my head and flooded my mind throughout the whole shower. After I got done with my shower, I dried myself off and got clothes on. I noticed myself in the corner of my eyes in the mirror. I looked in the mirror only to see I had purple and green marks on my face. There were bandages all up my neck, I suppose the bite marks were worse than I thought. I don't know how I managed to not realize bandages were wrapped all over my neck.

My face didn't look as bad as I expected it to, despite the bruising. They must have a great healer.

I lightly touched my bruises then flinched in pain. Although they weren't too bad, I still felt embarrassed to leave the bathroom, for everyone to see my face like this. I couldn't believe I was hurt this badly.

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