Red Witch (20)

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Ethan's gone.

Lonni gathered us in the living room and announced it as calmly as she could.

I could feel my heart sink. I looked to the others for their reaction. Noah looked almost as hurt as I did. Alec had a stiffness to his face; his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were narrow. Riley looked upset but I knew deep down she was pleased to some extent. Ryan looked as if he didn't know how to feel, I didn't blame him.

"Where has he gone?" I was the first to speak. All their eyes turned to me, and I remembered exactly what I was and where I was. I was a witch surrounded by wolves. I had grown so used to Ethans warm and accepting gaze, I forgot how they all looked at me like I was some foreign alien, even after all this time.

Lonni shifted, uncomfortably. She looked so defeated, "We don't know."

"Then we should go look for him!" Noah declared; his eyebrows furrowed as if he was starting to grow angry. My eyes kept looking down at my feet—or perhaps what was behind them, the hex.

I was reading in all the books I could find and not a single one has told me how to remove it. I needed to fast or the anger in this house would just continuously get worse and worse.

"I agree," Alec said, his voice distant and cold. I wondered what he was thinking as of right now. Perhaps he felt sorry regretting all the things he's done to Ethan. Or maybe he felt relief, getting rid of the stress Ethan brought to his life. No matter what was on his mind, he was not making it obvious.

"With Leah running around and with vampires who are seeking revenge, we need to find him quickly." My eyes flickered to Leo. I was surprised he'd even say anything. He didn't show worry, sadness, or fear. But he also didn't seem pleased either.

We began our journey to look for him. I wish he had taken me with him.  I never felt more alone in this pack than I did as of right now. I couldn't worry about finding Ethan though, my first priority was removing that hex. Everyone's minds were clouded, once I got rid of that hex, we could possibly find him faster.

I was in Margrets cottage. She had almost every book in the world, a lot about witchcraft. Books kept popping up and if she found them, she notified me immediately.

"You are going to deprive me of all my books if you continue like this," She laughed as I sat on her couch, my eyes scanning through the pages. I just breathed through my nose, something like a laugh, as I flipped from page to page.

I glanced up every now and then. Margret and Riley were both tending to the ill. There were many things you could say about Riley, but a bad healer was not one of them. I watched her, she had very gentle hands when working with the injured and sick. Her voice was a shade of softness I had never heard come from her. Her emotions were genuine when it came to those who were ill, and she'd sometimes shed true, genuine tears when she heard of people's deaths.

I did not stare for long; the hex was far more important.

The third day was the roughest. Ethan had been gone and there was no sign of him anywhere.

I spent most of my time with Margret and Daniel.  Everyone had a lot more important things to take care of rather than the baby, so I was stuck on baby duty. I didn't mind though; he was fun to be around.

He could walk, and his sentences were easier to understand now. He was an awfully beautiful child.

His eyes looked at the world with so much wonder. They shined whenever he found something he liked or was interested in, and they glared when he was upset. His expressions were so fluent and easy to read.

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