The Dead Man Walking (66)

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It was awfully quiet as expected. The woods were calmer than they have been for the past two weeks. Two weeks into war and who knows how many more to come.

Night was approaching and the sky was growing dark. I sat by a tree to take a small break. It was nice to finally get a chance to relax.

I looked up at the branches above before I blushed from embarrassment. How was it my magic was so weak? Or rather, why was teleportation so hard?

I could grow an entire garden from a seed. Create images of magic from my fingertips, freeze and levitate things almost perfectly with little exhaustion, but teleportation was the line?

My family was always so weak when it came to magic. It was always so exhausting to create spells for a long amount of time. I thought maybe I just needed some more practice, but I still felt weak.

I decided it was best I kept walking before I got to upset at the thought. I walked and walked until from the corner of my eye, I saw a man. He was standing there, menacingly. I turned my head quickly and, in that moment, he was gone.

I tightened my hand around my blade as my eyes flickered from place to place to find him. I nearly gave up, perhaps my eyes were playing a trick on me. That was until I heard a soft "whoosh" from behind me.

I turned and swung my knife. A brute hand grabbed my wrist tightly. It was so tight; it made my knife fall to the ground. My breath grew still as I stared at a man I thought had died.


My body trembled as my throat clogged. I tried to back away, but his grip grew tighter on my wrist.

"Irene," he called my name with such a sinister smile. He spun me around like we were dancing before he pulled me in closely. He embraced me tightly, "Oh how I've missed you." His voice sent shivers down my body.

"You're supposed to be dead," I squeaked in a shaky voice.

"I was, and all you did was watch me die," he said bitterly as his hands grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled my head back. I sealed my eyes shut so I didn't have to look at him. I turned my head and tried to push him away from me.

"Leave me alone!" I begged as I tried to escape. My scalp started to hurt. Maybe this was another nightmare, I had nightmares of him often.

"Do you not remember all the fun times we've had together?" He complained with a hurt tone. I managed to get him off of me and I backed away, my breath sharp and shaky.

"How are you alive!" I snapped. I grabbed another blade I had in my pocket as held it facing towards him.

He only rolled his eyes and scoffed. In a blink of an eye, he was already in front of me and had taken the knife straight from my shaky hands.

My jaw clenched as I backed away. Stupid vampires and their stupid speed. In these times I wish I had been a werewolf or vampire. The speed of a vampire in a werewolf's eyes were dulled down because they moved just as fast.

"Tisha misses you," he told me as he pressed his finger to the point of the blade. My nose scrunched up in disgust. My heart was racing so fast I thought I throw up.

But something was different. In this fear, I also felt angry.

I punched him as hard as I could just as he had always done to me. That surprised him. Once his body turned with the punch, I kicked him in the side as hard as I possibly could. He fell to the ground.

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