Part 1❤️

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Maybe it was the way he was looking at me, or maybe the way he was talking to me with a hint of  mystery hidden in his words...maybe it was pressure form everyone watching..or maybe I was just trapped.

Frozen with everyone's eyes like a deer in headlights. I wanted to say no but my kindness didn't wanna tell him that. Instead I was willing to say yes and be unhappy. But for what?

I wasn't in love with him...But somehow I was here.

With him on one knee holding a ring out in front of me with this pleading look in his eyes....

"Yes, I will" I spoke with a smile. My head instantly went wild. I couldn't believe I said that.. I wanted to say the opposite, really I did.

Everyone burst into applause and some yelled "congratulations!" I smiled at them along with a nod as a way to say thank you as he slipped the ring onto my shaking hand...I continued to say my thanks to everyone as he rose to his feet. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the back of the room where no one was.

"I love you" he said with a wide smile but for some reason it didn't feel right- I didn't feel right. "Say it back!" He said with his smile fading off. "Look, I can't marry you, I didn't wanna embarrass you..I'm really sorry..I'm just not ready yet" I said trying to not sound mean or rude.

He looked at me for a second before he grabbed my hand again but this time, it felt like he was going to crush it. He pulled me out of the room and closed the door.

He dragged me out of the building and went behind it so we weren't visible to anyone else.

He finally released my hand but this time he wrapped it around my neck. Choking ne hard making me gasp for air.

"What did you say?" He grunted while Choking me harder. I gagged and started scratching at his hand and arm until he released me.

I almost collapsed on to the the ground, I placed my hand aginst the brick wall trying to balance myself.

"You know Shay.. I was always in love with felt just like yesterday when I asked you to prom in 6th wasn't the real thing of course but to me..I was going to the dance with the prettiest girl in school and I was going to have the time of my life. And I did, for  11 YEARS! And your telling me you don't love me?!"  He hand flew back and he back handed me hard in my face causing my to fall.

Let me explain.. if your wondering "why in the hell doesn't she love him if they've been knowing each other for 11 years?" See, once upon I did love him. I loved him dearly, I felt like he was perfect and he could do no wrongs.

I though he always told the truth and that he loved me to the fullest... and he did love me to the fullest but maybe the fullest was to much?

He wanted to control me and it got to the point where he wouldn't let me walk out the house or even go around my family.

I had to leave... and I tried. But that's when he started getting abusive. Every time I did something "wrong" I earned another beating.

And I fell out of love. I wanted to leave, to be free! I was only 22 and I still had the rest of my life to live but instead, I was being held hostage and forced to live my life how ever he said I would...

"HEL-" I started to yelled but he covered my mouth.  "SHUT UP BITCH!" He said sending a hard blow in my stomach.

I gasped and held my stomach. Tears poured out of my eyes and I wanted to scream but my throat was caught.

"Now when we go home, you already know what time it is so don't ask questions.." he said bending down to my level. He grabbed my hand that was shaking uncontrollably with fear and kissed it.. "go get in the car love".... "NOW" He screamed when I wasn't getting up fast enough.

I quickly got up and made my way to the car trying my best to breathe normally and to avoid the throbs and aches in my stomach from being hit so hard.

I sat in the car and watched as he went back inside the soon as he disappeared i felt a hand cover my mouth.

"Don't scream.. if you do I'll just kill you alright?" The male voice said slowly. I nodded my head and closed my eyes tight.

He slowly removed his hand and I Did as I said I would. I stayed quiet . The person climbed in the front seat and placed their hand on the steering wheel but I kept my face forward so I wouldn't see their face.

Out the corner of my eye I saw them reach down and started messing  around with some wires before I heard the car start, causing my eyes to widen.

"Keep calm ma and everything will be" "Yes." I said quickly. Then there was silence and the car pulled forward and we were gone... I really don't care where I was going and i didn't  care what happened to me... I was just glad I was away from Mali'ki......

His name is pronounced (mal- ah- ky) and this is him ⬇️

His name is pronounced (mal- ah- ky) and this is him ⬇️

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