Chapter 1 When dreams come true

Start from the beginning

Then, at the wedding, to the registrar's question, he answered clearly and confidently:

- Yes.

And he said no more to her. Silently by the hand,  he led her out to the guests, silently nodding at the congratulations poured in from all sides, silently circling her in a wedding dance. And just silently brought in the room for the newlyweds and walked out the door.

He did not return. She sat in a wedding dress on the edge of the bed and waited. Minutes turned into hours , dawn broke through the window ... the sun peeked into the room, but Omer was not there. Then came Serdar. He looked at his sister with guilty eyes and gently put an arm around her shoulders. She clung to him and cried. Quiet, without hysteria. Only hot tears soaked the men's T-shirt and shaky skinny shoulders. Brother cried with her. He stroked her head and asked for forgiveness.

Still hugging her shoulders, he led her out of the room. The bridal gown trailed behind her and clung to the carpet floor. A veil picked up by a draft from the open corridor windows, touched her face. Defne pulled it off and threw it on the floor. Veil fell transparent, snow-white cloud and remained lonely lying on the dark red carpet. No one looked back and remembered it.

They went down by the lift and to the reception. Serdar put the electronic key on the glossy countertop. The girl smiled and, pretending to not see anything unusual, asked:

- And your suitcases?

Defne straightened, lifted her head and replied:

- Send them to the house of Mr. Omer Iplikci.

Serdar confusedly looked at his sister.

- And your clothes?

Defne raised empty eyes to him.

- I do not need it.

Bitter words turned out to be true. She never in two months went outside and her clothes were old jeans and shirts.

Locking herself in the house, she did not know that her appearance in the morning after the wedding at the doorstep of Topal's house, and even in a wedding dress, made a sensation in the area. She was not discussed only by the dumb. Grandmother Türkan and Nihan walked along the street without raising their eyes and not talking to anyone. Esra at school defended her sister from the scorching hints of classmates who, following their parents' words, repeated dirty assumptions about Defne. And Serdar attacked with fists to anyone who dared to scoff at his sister with him, and came home with bruises and knuckles knocked into the blood. Nihan applied lotions to the wounds and asked to calm down and keep herself in hands even for the sake of the child in her belly.

The only support and protection in this difficult time for the Topal family were Iso and master Sadri. The first one looked at the gossipers with such a look that they immediately shut their mouths and hurried away, the second one with his characteristic wisdom found words of protection for a wonderful girl who had been the favorite of the whole neighborhood for so many years. He reminded too sharply of the language that it is impossible to judge a person without knowing the reasons for his action. And he did not judge Omer. Iso told him about the hire of Defne from Neriman and the old master, understanding the pain and resentment of both, begged Allah not to turn away from Omer and Defne. Give them the strength and wisdom to step over offenses and understand the importance of each other and their love.

Passions raged around Topal's and only Defne remained indifferent. Day by day, she slowly faded away, turning into an almost transparent, ethereal shadow. A pale copy of the former, ridiculous and cocky, Defne. She did not want to talk to anyone, could not eat or sleep. At night she lay on her narrow bed, looked at the ceiling and silently cried. And when it was possible to fall asleep dreams came. In them, Omer smiled warmly and tenderly at her, hugged her with hot hands, whispered what he loved, and then pushed her away and she flew into the dark, muddy water.

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