Defne, it was she who was the waitress, forgot about the kiss almost immediately. The trouble fell upon her. Her brother, a dunce and a slacker, owed a huge sum to local bandits. They took him away by force and threatened to kill him if his family did not return the money.

And here, like a devil from a snuff box, Ms. Neriman appeared in Defne's life. A good fairy and an evil witch in one person, she came to a girl crushed by grief and offered a deal: 200 thousand Turkish liras in exchange for Defne loving her nephew and charming him to marry her. And after the wedding, she will disappear. Such a proposal seemed Defne indecent and dishonest, but at stake was the life of her brother. And her friend Nihan, who had long been secretly in love with Serdar, persuaded Defne to agree. Having no choice, the girl confused about the problems decided to accept Mrs. Neriman's offer. Serdar was saved, and Defne was manipulated by а greedy woman.

In a few days, Mrs. Iplikci turned the daredevil from the neighborhood into a pretty, elegant doll with beautifully laid hair and high-heeled shoes instead of regular sneakers. That's just the soul Defne remained the same - kind, disinterested and selfless.

Mrs. Neriman's plan was very simple - to arrange Defne to work as a personal assistant to Omer Iplikchi. But how to remove the current assistant? And then the intriguer's gaze fell on Omer's best friend and partner Sinan Karakaya. He refused for a long time, but two arguments convinced him to agree. The first is the happiness of a friend and the second is the opportunity to win the love of Passionis' s creative director Yasemin Kayalar, with whom he was unrequitedly in love, but her attention was directed to Omer.

Another person was initiated into the "love for rent " plan. Mrs. Neriman's best friend and part-time crazy photographer Passionis Koray Sargin. True, he very much doubted that the thin one (as he dubbed the slim, graceful Defne) would cope with the task and fell in love with the "ice waterfall" Omer. But he agreed to help.

Omer did not even imagine that a cocoon of lies and betrayal was spinning around him. His thoughts were about the red-haired waitress, who had thin wrists, a fragile figure, sweet lips, and a heavy hand. And when she appeared in his house as a personal assistant one beautiful morning, he was speechless. Like her, though.

Defne quickly turned from an amateur to an excellent assistant, and Omer just as quickly fell in love with her. And when she responded to his feelings - there was no man happier in the world than he. That's just the happiness of Defne was bitter. It was clouded by fear and guilt because she lied and betrayed her beloved. This fear and a desperate desire to find money to pay the debt to Mrs. Neriman pushed her to erroneous deeds. The worst, because of which the lovers broke up, was the cooperation of Defne with the enemy and Omer's rival - Deniz Tranba. She sold him her sketch of a model of shoes, which was a huge blow to Omer. After all, it was he who saw the light of the artist in her and taught everything that he knew and was able to.

But no matter how many quarrels and difficulties, love always returned them to each other. Even jealousy was powerless before her. The appearance of the Omer former girl - Iz, brought Defne a lot of heartaches. After all, in Iz there was something that Defne did not see in herself — she was equal to Omer. Beautiful, well-educated, talented and self-confident. She lived in Marseille and worked in the fashion sector. Despite ten years of separation, she still loved the ex-boyfriend and most of all wanted to take him with her to France. And yet she left alone.

The heart of the Omer belonged completely to Defne. He wanted to be with her every minute, he wanted to marry, openly call his own. And therefore her secrets frightened him. He asked her many times to reveal her secret. He promised that he would never let go of her hand, would not give up on her and their love. But Defne was afraid. She knew about the painful pride of Omer, his iron principles and was silent. Only Nihan and her best friend Iso could tell about her sufferings. Friends and brother supported her, tried to get money to pay the debt, but it was all in vain. And Mrs. Neriman crushed and threatened. She demanded either repay a debt or fulfill the condition of marrying Omer and disappear on the second day without a trace.

One day a world celebrity from the world of fashion Fikret Galo entered the life of Defne and Omer. The girl who was a special person for Omer. In his youth, at the only chance meeting, she helped him avoid a terrible mistake and make peace with his dying mother. Then Omer long sought a stranger but never found. And yet the memory kept her image.

Defne told Fikret about her misfortune and she, not knowing who is the groom of her new friend, lent her money. In a strange way, this money came back from Deniz Tranba. They were the Fikret's fee for cooperating with the company of Tranba, not Passionis.

Defne paid off with Mrs. Neriman and came free to Omer. Finally, the obstacles disappeared, and she was able to say: "Yes" to his marriage proposal.

When Fikret realized that Defne's fiance was a boy whom she herself had loved for many years, she tried to destroy their relationship. She confessed love to Omer, but in response, she heard that Defne was his soul and that would never change.

Fikret left, and Omer and Defne set the wedding day. Both soared in the heavens of happiness, but secrets and conspiracies were in no hurry to release lovers from their hands. Grandfather Hulusi wished to make peace with his grandson and Defne allowed him to come to matchmaking. His presence was a blow to Omer. He considered this a betrayal of the bride and left her. The crushed Defne left for Manisa, and Omer again turned into an iceberg. And only the intervention of master Sadri, a man who, in his youth, picked Omer on the street and helped him cope with his grief, helped Omer understand his mistake and forgive his grandfather and Defne.

On the wedding day, when it seemed that nothing could darken happiness, being at the top of his life, Omer said to Defne beautiful, heartfelt words about his love and trust. Her remorse of conscience becomes unbearable, and the girl on the way to the altar admits to him in a game called: "Love for rent".

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