Aizawa POV

I raced out, from what the detective had said, the kid started a fight in one of the low-key rescue shelters for strays and injured animals. The place wasn't very well known, but the officers were having trouble to restrain both sides.

I got there within a couple minutes, the Wolf Spider squad was there, trying their appsolute best to grab the kid whilst he was surrounded by animals of all types. The vigilant was locked in a quirk fight against the owner of the building, who was illegally trying to use their fabric folding quirk to pull him to the ground.

Wolf Spider was avoiding contact with the man's arms. He was flipping and spinning like it was nobody's business, kicking and punching the other as he went. Without really thinking about it, I sent out my capture gear, wrapping the wriggling civilian and completely calm vigilant.

Proceeding to pull them closer, I eyed the young vigilant. "What changed kid? Why did you start the fight?"the boy's eyes betrayed hatred as he glared at the other captive.

"This man abuses the animals that others bring him, selling them off when the owner comes to search for their missing pet and he just killed a puppy and a cat! I couldn't just send a report in, people in this day and age don't care about animal abuse! It was a baby! ", his voice was laced with disgust and anger. The boy clicked his tongue, seven of the creatures which had previously crouded the boy came towards the trio.

The older man flinched during the accusation, and tensed as the other creatures padded up. I eyed the animals. There looked to be some kind of hawk with a small hamster following in the birds wake, a strange sight indeed. There were three different types of dog, each looked neglected, the fur loose and ragged to their frames and finally, there was (what looked like) a Maine Coon with a small kitten hanging from its Jaws. The small animal looked to only be a few days old, but she was covered in, what appeared to be burn marks, the bigger cat wasn't much different.

Actually looking at the rest of the animals, he saw each of them spoke a story of fear and pain. The cat approached me directly, a glare biting through me and I knew the kid was sending a silent challenge. The tortishell-furred cat placed the smaller one by my feet, proceeding to look up at me with round blue eyes and pat my shoe with an outstretched paw.

I let go of my capture gear, gifting the human pair by letting them have their feet on the floor, whilst still being tightly bound in the off-white material. Staring at the fluffy cat, I gave in to its bright, caring eyes and crouched down in front of them. I gently picked up the tiny ball of fluff and the larger one, who took up most of my arm space. God this cat is huge.

I heard a sigh of relief from near by. Looking up, I saw the vigilant kid visibly relax. He watched as I cradled the two felines in my arms before our attention was dragged back to the other restrained person. He was seething, babbling about some random shit of lies and accusations.

Suddenly a howl sounded out, filled with pain. I watched in shock as the owner of the rescue center kicked one of the dogs who were trotting by. The animal was pushed a good metre away, whimpering and crying. A couple officers ran over to check on it, the others busy trying to contain the other loose animals in cages. In a heartbeat, the vigilant was out of my weapon and his movements blurred together.

The next heart beat there's a tug on my capture weapon and the abuser was smashed into the ground, being beaten by a completely unreadable Wolf Spider. The boy finally kicked him in the stomach before retracting and crouching down a few feet away, almost a copy of my previous actions. He hissed out, "It doesn't feel nice does it? It hurts doesn't it? You do that to them everyday, it's only right that karma comes back at you. I guess you could consider it karma," he looked at me, "Although you'll most likely just get away with a slap on the wrist, god, these sistems are stupid! Where's the justice for the animals in this world?", the boy sighed, though anyone who had been listening didn't answer. I was sort of shocked, this kid was a complete mystery, his mindset and identity, even his background.

With that, the boy legged it. I couldn't catch up, I had two cats in my arms which I was careful not to hurt, but since they took up my hands I couldn't manoeuvre my support item. The kid was roaming free yet again.

The owner was arrested for abuse, neglect, trafficking of pets and the attack of a minor plus illegal quirk usage. He was, so far, going to be put in jail for three years. I went home after the critters were sent off to other shelters across Japan, most of which went to the vets for treatment.

Lucky for me, I adopted two cats, yes the two who approached me. They were very content and, quite frankly, were too adorable for me to leave behind. I had to drop by the local vets on my trip back towards UA, I left them there with a close acquaintance of mine.

I journeyed at a relaxed pace and opened my thoughts on the events. Sure the kid had gotten away again, but I still didn't feel incredibly serious about bringing him in, it was more of the fear that he'd get injured that put me off.

Anyway, I re-entered my class to find Nezu, sitting on my desk, with all my kids holding cups of tea. They all turned my way with a look that screamed 'Help us!'. I sigh, "Nezu, what did you do to my students?" I walk over and pull my sleeping back from under the desk.

The animal flicked his ears and smiled, "Nothing, they were just learning, it seems your mission didn't go as planned?" the rat-bear eyed my sleeping bag, most of the class were listening curiously.

"Sir!", Tenya Iida shot from his seat. "I believe it is highly disrespectful that you'd go off to do hero work when you have a class to teach!", he spoke loudly, hands waving in every direction.

I sigh again, I can't deal with this. My yellow home is still in my hand, but yet I cannot sleep, this class will bug me till earth's end. "I had no say kid, it was an emergency. There was a fight between - um no you don't need to know that - and either officers could have been in danger, or a kid soooo...", I shrug my shoulders a little and blink.

For a second there was silence, but then the air shook. Every student was on their feet screaming at me to fill them in, 'no cliffhangers' and stuff like that. Okay I'm done, activating my quirk I stand with my eyes flashing and hair raised. They shut up immediately.

Finally some quiet...

Yeah, sorry for typos, I'm in a writing competition at the moment so I won't write for the rest of the month. I have started other chapters so I will be ready to post following the end of November.
Alert me of mistakes and I'll try to fix them!

What's A Hero? , Vigilante Izuku AU (Original writing)Where stories live. Discover now