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Sorry it took so long to update. Was gonna update last week but we had that Giant snow storm here in Texas and was without power for a while but here you go :) a new chapter!!! Enjoy!

"So Impala..." Sam starts. "What's it gonna be?"

My chest starts to constrict. I can't catch a breath. Dean face switches from anger to worry. "Impala... Are you okay?"

It's really hard to get enough air into my body.

"Impala, talk to me." Sam says as he moves towards me. That's the sound I'm concentrating on, that voice, the movement. Just concentrate on the footsteps. Listen, and there's air.

"No," I whisper. "I'm sorry." I say, and I think I can hear a silent sigh of relief. Why is Sam relieved? Doesn't he get it? It's hard to think. And my chest hurts.

"If you can talk you're breathing. I think you're just freaking out." Sam utters distortedly. He starts to smile but it quickly fades. I don't even remember hitting the ground.

*** a few hours later****
"Damn it, why isn't he picking up?!" I hear. Sounds like Dean's gruff voice.
"He's probably working on the spell. I'm sure everything is fine. Calm down." My eyes flutter open and I see plaid. Do these boys not wear anything else? I raise myself up only to fall back again. "Woah. Take it easy." My vision slowly clears and I can make out Sam's features. "You scared us." He says after a while. "Well?" He asks, I think I can hear the sound of a groan come out of his mouth. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm dying. I really do. My heads all fuzzy, I can't think straight, and I can't breath!" I yell, frustrated. "I feel like there's a weight on my chest."
"We should just head over there." Dean interjects.
"And do what Dean? Stand over him until he's done with the spell? Or no I got it we'll grab a few beers chill out on the couch." Sam snarks.

"Don't do that. You know how I feel about your sarcastic moods. Oka-."

"Would both of please shut the hell up?!" I yell. They both stop and stare. The room grows silent. Then I hear it. Beating. Heart beats. Then I feel it. Pounding. It feels like a thousand drums. What's going on? I turn my head to the side. "Dean." My voice is quiet at first, the boys look at me but I do not look back at them. "Dean?"

"Yeah?" Dean says slowly. I can see his hands fidget.
"What's that?" I ask.
"What's what?" Dean asks me, his face now puzzled.
"That..." I say, then I am overcome by a wave of confusion so thick I almost can't breath. "It's nothing." I say. "You okay?" He asks, this time his voice is gentle.
"Yeah," I say quickly, my eyes are fixed on Dean now.

"Are you sure?" Dean asks angrily. "You look like you're about to pass out again."

"I'm fine." I look away from Dean and look at Sam who's wearing the same angry expression.

"Call him again." Is all the he says.

Dean grabs his phone out his pocket and presses a few buttons and puts it to his ear. "Finally. You son of a bitch! Impala's passed out on us already! Twice!" I was only aware of the first time. I didn't remember hitting the ground. My chest feels aching as though there's nothing more than emptiness within. "We have to do what with what kind of knife?!"

"That doesn't sound good Dean." Sam utters. He stands up from his place in front of me and he walks over to Dean. "What's going on?" He asks.

"You need an Obsidian knife. For the ritual." Dean replies his eyes locked on the floor. "What's the ritual?" He puts the phone on speakerphone.

"I'll recite a spell and when it's done. You're gonna have to kill Impala with the obsidian knife." Axton says over the phone.

"What?!" The three of us shout in perfect unison. "She has to die before the spell can work?" Dean asks.
"Or else everything will be too late." Axton replies.

Being Dean's ImpalaWhere stories live. Discover now