Some Answers Finally

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We've been sitting in the kitchen since we've woken up an hour ago. Dean's been staring at me like I've grown three horns since I told him what Chuck wanted with me. "I think I was supposed to still be stupid." I admit. "That's what it seemed like to me. He was shocked I could speak full sentences." I pick at my eggs. I'm not really hungry. Craving something else.

"And he just let you go afterwards?" Sam questions.

I nod. "Yep. He got frustrated and said someone was playing with him." I add. "He needed to figure out who it was. So, he left." I look over at Dean who's still staring. "What?" No answer. "Dean, what?"

"So, Chuck had a hand in making you come to life too?! What the hell else is Cass gonna keep from us?!" Dean stands up from the table and turns away. "Cass, get your ass down here right now!" I don't think I've ever seen Dean this mad before. We wait a few seconds and then he appears next to the stove. Dean slowly turns around, breathing heavily. "What else have you been keeping from us?"

"Dean..." Cass starts.

"No!" Dean interrupts. "Don't start with that! The love of my life could be on the line here. What is Chuck's endgame?"

Cass looks over at me and sighs. "It's not that simple." He turns back to Dean.

Dean walks over and gets into Cass's face. Sam stands up. I stay seated. No need for me to be getting involved. "If you don't tell us everything you know then I will kill you. I swear to Chuck, I will kill you!" He screams. His eyes shoot up like a thought came into his head. "What the hell does Death have anything to do with Impala, huh?" Cass only stares. "Answer me!" Dean howls.

Cass takes off his trench coat, walks over, sits down at the table. Dean follows and sits next to me. Cass and Sam sit on the other side. "You're within punching distance. I'd watch what you'd say." I joke. No one found it funny. "I was just... never mind."

Cass clears his throat. "It all goes back to when Impala was first made. Chuck knew then that he would make her a human one day. He just needed you two to be born and grown." He rubs the back of his neck. "It was all planned years in advance before cars were even made. He wanted to use her as way to fool you out of hunting. Hence the reason why she didn't speak when she first became human. Your friend Axel had a tiny hand in it. Very tiny. The size of an atom to be precise."

Dean scrunches his nose. "That doesn't make any sense."

"Anyways." Cass says loudly. Probably annoyed that he has to have this conversation. "I've suspected he's been planning something for a while now. I started doing super secret spells to see what he's been up to. But, I think he only lets me see what he wants me to."

"Hold on." I stop him from going on. "Can't he hear this?"

"No. It's a spell that I've had put on the bunker after you came back. He can't see anything that goes on here anymore. That's why he grabbed you in New Orleans." Cass explains. "He has no power here."

"But, he's God. How can your spell overpower him?" Sam asks him.

"I had help. Demon help. Crowley." Cass sadly admits. "In the end Impala will be the last one standing out of the three of you."

"What end though?" I interject. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. "He said that there are different universes of the same. Like this one. Which end am I the last one standing?"

Cass gulps. "All of them. You can never truly die, Impala. I mean you can die but you'll just come right back."

"So, I'm literally a vampire? I'm going to live on forever?" I let out a heavy sigh. "Doesn't you telling me mess with the future?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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