More questions than answers Pt 1.

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I'm still drunk. Oh my god. Why am I still drunk? I look over at the clock on the beside table. 4 am. Is this how normal drunk feels for humans? Do they wake up like this? I never gotten drunk as a human, only a few beers. Nothing more. I feel something heavy on my back as I try to roll over. I push. It doesn't move. "Benny." I push again. I hear the door unlocking. "Benny!" I whisper more hurriedly. I push harder. I push until he falls off the bed. The door flies open. I stand up to defend myself. Benny scrambles go straighten himself up.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Dean gruffs angrily.

"Nothing man. Just sleeping." Benny rubs his eyes and yawns. "You scared poor Impala. She probably thought she was about to get murdered."

"It didn't help with you sleeping on top of her." Sam interjects. He raises an eyebrow. "Saw you through the window."

"It's not what you think, bud. Really. We were both drunk and just passed out." Benny says defensively.

"Then where's her shirt?!" Dean screeches. I look down to see that I'm topless. I forgot I took my shirt off last night cause it was hot. I didn't realize Benny had went to sleep with me.

I quickly grab my shirt and put it on. "It was hot last night. Benny must have came over here later." Dean doesn't look convinced. "It's really not what you think."

"Whatever this is, it's over." He gestures back and forth to me and Benny. "Now we got a body with holes in it and blood missing. Which one of you was it?!"

"Neither!" I yell.

"Can you prove it?" Sam asks.

Benny and I look at each other and make our fangs come out at the same time. "Only two fangs." We retract them. "Why would you think it was us automatically!" Now I'm pissed. First he accuses me of cheating and now he's accusing me of murder.

"You are the only two vampires we know running around here!" He hasn't lowered his voice.

"Maybe not. Remember what Axel said?" Sam interjects.

"You guys are still talking to him?!" I yell shocked. "Idjits."

The brothers eyes widen. "That was adorable." Dean admits. "Dammit, I'm not even mad anymore."

"Good, Bud." Benny heaves a sigh of relief. "Anything new besides this?"

"The other car is still alive. Cass must have screwed up big time." Sam explains. "He brought you both back."

"What about Meg?"

"Axton cut her loose finally. She kept talking about how she wasn't gonna stop until she had your body and it was driving him nuts." Dean starts. "He was disgusted by the idea. He said he should have never agreed in the first place."

I stare for a minute. "Was this before or after you tried to kill him?"

"After." Dean grumbles. "But we believe him. He's helping us track down Meg."

"What about this other car? What are you going to do about that?"

"Why are you saying it like that?" Dean asks angrily. "Like you're still just a car. Not a person sitting in front of me."

I sigh. "Dean. Babe, after that night, I'm no longer human. You should know that now." I say softly, trying to calm him down. "I'm still getting used to all of this. Give me a break."

I watch as Dean takes a few breaths and calms down. "We need a plan." Dean runs his hand down his face and turns around. He stops and stares at something. "I don't think we're the only ones that know you're here."

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