Chapter 6

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                        Chapter 6


I walk to my room,not in the mood to eat. I sit on the bed and I think about the last couple of hours.

"I still don't understand why she doesn't like me. I'm not that bad. I may flirt and stuff but a guy has needs and she wasn't real then and..."

My thoughts are broken by impala's laughter in the dining room. She has beautiful laugh. I smile at the thought of her laughing with me. I shake my head when I think that it might never happen. "She hates me." I say to myself. "She's never gonna wanna be with me."

I sigh and pull out a laptop from under my pillow. I open it and I click on a page that I recently closed. It's the local newspaper. I've been looking for a case to keep my mind off of Impala.

I scroll through the newspaper and realize that this isn't doing anything to take my mind off of impala. Its actually making me start to look for what got her here in the first place. Then I see it.

"Found it." I climb out of bed and walk to the dining room. "Sammy. Look at what I found."

"What is it?" He asks.

"You know how Impala is the impala right?" I ask.

He looks over at impala then back at me. "Yeah."

I sit the laptop down in front of him. "This isn't the first time that this has happened. Someone else's car got turned into a human too. The difference between them and us... Is that they posted their story in the newspaper." I say with a smile. I scroll down to the article.

Sam reads it out loud. "Mr.James's 2011 Chevy Camero comes to life. He says that at exactly 3pm he wished that his car was real and it came true." He looks up at me then he continues reading. "Also says that someone was with him when he made the wish. Someone named Axton."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask.

"That Axton is a witch?" Sam asks.

"Yep. I just don't understand how that happened to his car and our car at the same time." It really confuses me.

"Maybe because before you went outside you said that you wish that your baby was real so she could eat pie with you." Sam says with a smile.

"Well I didn't mean it literally." I reply.

"So you're not glad that I'm here?" Impala asks angrily.

"What? I am. It's just..." I start to say but Impala interrupts me.

"Yeah whatever." She stands up and walks away.

"I didn't mean it like that." I say.

"So,are we going to go talk to this guy tomorrow?" Sam asks, changing the subject.

"Yeah." I pick up my laptop and say... "I'm gonna hit the hay." Then I walk to my room. I sit the laptop under my pillow and then I faceplant into the bed. The last thing that I think about before going to sleep is how much impala probably hates me now.


:D hope you like it. Comment and vote.

Being Dean's ImpalaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora