Wish ungranted

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****Finally uploading! To avoid confusion their home is gonna be the bunker. Because I love the bunker. It was Bobby's house in earlier chapters but I'm finally completely caught up with Supernatural and the bunker sounds awesome to live in. :D I'll try to post another chapter in a few days. I hope you enjoy please comment and vote!****

"Okay. Now that we've gotten acquainted with one another." Axton says sarcastically.
"I have something that I need to tell you guys."

"What is it?" Dean asks angrily.

"I have to reverse the wish." Axton says.

The room falls silent for what seems like forever. Dean is the one to break the silence. "What?" Axton doesn't answer. "Why?!" His voice booms filling the room.

"My coven is making me do it. They're pissed. They say our magic shouldn't be used like that. Rightfully so since the wish has spread. So the wishes will be ungranted at midnight." Axton looks at me then at Sam and Dean, and back at me. "I'm so sorry."

"Isn't there something you can do to
keep Impala here?" Sam asks motioning towards me. My vision becomes blurry, that's when I notice that I've started crying.

"I could talk to my coven leader and see if they can help you guys out. I don't know how he's gonna feel when I tell him about you guys." Axton admitted. He scratches his beard,walks over to the couch and sits down. "It's the least I could do."

"Thanks." Dean says as we walk over to the other couch and take seats. Meg takes a seat next to Axton as I sit in between Sam and Dean.

"You're welcome." Axton looks at the giant clock on his wall. " I say you guys have about 7 or 8 hours left if my coven doesn't want to help you guys. I'll try my best."

"I'll help you. I can vouch for the Winchesters." Meg offers.

"Why would you wanna help us?" I ask.

"Being on the wrong side of the Winchesters is a no go for me. If I can find a way to save me and Axton's skin then I'm all for it." Meg explains. "Just as long as you two don't try to kill us after we save your girlfriend." She looks at both Sam and Dean and then at me smiling. I feel a lump start to produce in my throat and a fuzzy feeling in my stomach. What is that?

Dean clears his throat breaking the silence. "As long as you save her, we won't have a problem." Dean picks up a notepad and writes down his phone number. "Call us if you find out anything." He rips the page off and hands it to Axton.

"Will do." He replies pulling out his cellphone, putting in Dean's number. The boys and I stand up and begin to leave. "Like I said, I'll try my best."

"Thanks. Again." Dean says as we walk out the door.

***An hour later***
Dear Diary,
Just found out that I'm going to die today. The witch we found called us back and said that his coven doesn't want to help us. He says that he knows a spell to keep me here but there will be consequences to go with it. He doesn't know what the consequences are. Dean doesn't care what they are but I do.

Right now Sam and Dean are arguing. Though the bunker is huge, I can still hear them. Sam's yelling at Dean about how it's my decision on wether I want the witch to do the spell or not. Dean's yelling at Sam saying that I'm not old enough to make a big decision like this on my own. Like I'm a child or something to him. I understand that I'm only a month old. But it's not my fault.

I close my diary and put it back in its drawer. I pace back and forth trying to decide whether I want to go where the boys are or not. If this is my my last couple of hours to live, I don't want them to be fighting the whole time. What would a person normally do in my situation? I have no idea. I don't know of many people who once was a car but then became human.

"Impala!" Dean voice booms through the bunker. I guess my minds been made up for me.

I exit my room and make my way to the big room near the entrance. I forgot what that room is called exactly. "Yes?"

Dean looks pissed and Sam has that irritated bitch face going on. This is not good. "We..." Dean starts loudly. He clears his throat and continues. "We wanna ask your thoughts on the situation. As Sammy pointed out to me. It's your life too."

"So basically you're asking me if I wanna live or die." I look back and forth between the brothers who are just stare in silence.

"Yes, that's exactly what we're asking." Sam asks after what feels like forever. "We're pretty sure you've thought about it already. But if you need a little more time we understand. We still have about..." Sam looks at his watch. "Six hours."

I bite my lip as I contemplate my answer. Do I want to live or do I want to die? "Tick tock, Impala. What's it gonna be?" Dean asks as he taps his watch.

What do I do? Do I stay alive with Sam and Dean and deal with the consequences whatever they may be? Or do I go back to being a car and leave the boys forever?

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