Bieng Dean's Impala

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                                Chapter 1

(Dean's POV)

"I'm gonna go to the store to get some pie!" I yell to Sam inside the house. I walk to the garage and pull my keys out. I smile as I think about what type of pie I want to get. "There's cherry,apple,blueberry." I chuckle as I walk to my car. I look around. My car which isn't here. Its just a tarp. I pull out my cellphone and dials Sam's number. "All right you son of a bitch. Where did you hide my car?!" I yell into the phone.

"I didn't hide your car Dean." Sam says.

"Obviously you did because my cars not..." I stop speaking when I see the tarp move. The tarp moves up and down. I put my phone in my pocket and pull out my gun. I kneel down and pick up the tarp. There's a girl underneath.

"Hey." I hear Sam say. "What are you doing?"

"Shut up." I tell him. I pull the tarp off of the girl. She's naked.

"Okay. Dean who is that?" Sam asks. He's as freaked out as I am.

"I don't know.... Let's take her inside." I pick her up and carry her inside Bobby's house. I sit her on the couch. "Why does she look so familiar?"

"I don't know." Sam replies. He grabs blankets from the other sofa and puts them on top of the girl. "Wait. Dean didn't you say that you had a dream a couple of days ago about the Impala turning into a girl?"

I nod. "Yeah,so?"

Sam smacks me in the back of my head. "Dean,this is the Impala." He yells.

"No wonder she looks familiar." I say with a chuckle.

"Did you really have to wish that hard?" Sam asks.


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